Age of Sigmar: Kharadron Overlords Faction Focus – Take To The Skies

The Kharadron Overlords are the Faction Focus for today from Games Workshop. What do these sky-pirates have in store on the tabletop?
Games Workshop has released a new Faction Focus for the Kharadron Overlords and naturally we’re going to take a look at their rules reveal. Let’s see how they have been tweaked for the upcoming new edition!
“These are the Kharadron Overlords, descendants of the Khazalid Empire of old who eschewed the old ways as the forces of Chaos encroached on the great holds, choosing instead to migrate to the skies. In time, this would give rise to an entirely new civilisation of airborne merchants and privateers, powered by advanced aether-gold technology and protected from the rigours of the realms by blade and bullet.”
Kharadron Overlords Battle Traits
Let’s cut right to the chase and tackle their Battle Traits. Flying High allows for some deployment shenanigans so you can place units (essentially) in reserve. You do have to use a Skyvessel to do that, but that is to be expected based on the name. Descend from the Clouds is the other part of this deployment option as it allows for a unit “in the clouds” to come down anywhere outside of 9″ from all enemy units.
Skyvessels also have the ability of Transport Skyfarers. As the name implies this allows you to taxi units around using your Skyvessels using their Transport Capacity limits. And finally, we have Skyvessel Cover which is a passive effect that applies a -1 to hit rolls for shooting attacks that target friendly Kharadron Overlords Infantry wholly within 6″ of a Arkanaut Ironclad or Frigate.
Kharadron Overlords Battle Formation
This is just one teaser from their list of Battle Formations. In essence, this allows you to choose another artefact of power when you’re deploying so you can tweak your army based on your opponent. This should come in handy as the Kharadron Overlords don’t have any innate Arcana or Invocations.
These are just a trio of options KO players will have access to as well.
Kharadron Overlord Unit Reveals
Once again, GW has dropped off four previews for various units from the army. Take a chance and look them over because (as expected) they have all had tweaks made. It’s nothingĀ too crazy…but they are worth double checking for the new edition — doubly so because of the abilities changes.
Kharadron Overlords – The Most Significant Change
The biggest shift for this army is how the transporting of units will work in the new edition. GW sums this up fairly succinctly in their article:
I’m actually really glad for this change. Mostly because Garrison felt like a clunky way to handle this interaction. That said, I don’t know if I like the “forced deployment after move” either. I think this could led to some wonky movement tricks for that army shuttling units around. We’ll have to see how it plays out in the new edition soon enough!
Are you excited about the Sky-pirates of the Kharadron Overlords in the new edition?