Age of Sigmar: Ogor Mawtribes Faction Focus – The Maw Hungers

The Ogors are back and looking to feast. Let’s find out what the hungriest boys are going to do in Warhammer: Age of Sigmar.
They might be some of the more rotund warriors out there but don’t let their large bellies fool you into thinking they are out of shape. There’s layers to the Ogors and they aren’t afraid to toss their weight around, either! But what will they do in the new edition? Let’s check in on the latest faction focus and find out.
“Ogors are hulking brutes with insatiable appetites, and the roaming mawtribes see every other clan, people, and nation as a source of nourishment just waiting to be consumed. This ravenous consumption has a religious edge, for the mawtribes feast in tribute to their Gulping God. While others may regard them as all-consuming monsters who simply gorge and destroy, the warglutts and alfrostuns forge armour and weapons, engage in tribal politics, and fulfil mercenary contracts. They even maintain and employ looted or traded blackpowder weapons, to devastating (if unsubtle) effect.”
Ogor Mawtribes Battle Traits
First up we have Trampling Charge. This one is pretty straight forward as (almost) any unit in the army can charge and get a bonus D3 of mortal wounds. I appreciate how it’s just “roll a 2+ and do that many mortal wounds.” One roll instead of two just to speed things up. Ravenous Brutes is another great utility option as it just adds 2 to their run rolls to make them even faster than your opponent might expect. I bet this extra speed catches a few opponents off guard for their first few games. And then finally we have Feast on Flesh — because it wouldn’t be Ogors without a feast, right?! This is just a blanket heal/bonus mortal wounds. Nothing wrong with this one!
Ogor Mawtribes Battle Formations
“The Ogor Mawtribes have four battle formations in their Faction Pack – including one specifically aimed at the Beastclaw Raiders. These Beast Handlers pluck their war-steeds from Brutal Stock, so their impressive bulk causes more mortal damage than usual when they thunder into enemy units on the charge. “
Once again we get the teaser here from GW. With four total Battle Formations there’s sure to be one for your playstyle with this army. Above we can see the Beast Handlers option with Brutal Stock. If you want to run a lot of Beastclaw Raiders Monsters then this seems like a no-brainer to me!
Everwinter Prayers
Changing things up, GW opted to show off one of their prayers from their list. This literally allows them to call in a blizzard. This is summoned in on a terrain feature and causes it (the terrain feature) to gain Obscuring. Additionally, you can also get a ward if you manage roll high enough.
Ogor Mawtribes Warscrolls
Below you’ll find a selection of Warscrolls. And once again, I’ll spare you going over each one. However we do get a look at Kragnos, the Stonehorn, and the basic Gluttons. It’s a good mix to gauge the army from. I’m also wondering if Kragnos is going to get a different version in the other Destruction armies — note his Keywords. But rest assured he’s still the Avatar of Destruction and is still quite the beat-stick he always was.
Ogor Mawtribes Army Changes
So did they accomplish their goals? Well, from this minor preview I think they are on the right track. Ogors have always been a wall of beef smashing into their enemies. They had a couple different ways to do that in the previous edition, especially with mortal wounds. We’ll have to see how they play out when the new edition drops. And one last thing to look at — their Spearhead.
If you were wondering this is the current boxed set from Games Workshop. Right now it’s going for $140. That will likely change when the price hike hits in June. So if you were want to get a jump start on your very own Ogor Mawtribes army you might want to snap this up before it gets devoured by economic pressures.
Are you ready for the BEEF to hit the tabletop with Ogor Mawtribes?