‘Call of Cthulhu: Arkham’ Opens the Gates to the Infamous Haunted City

In Call of Cthulhu: Arkham, you’ll get more than just a guide to Lovecraft’s infamous city. This book holds the seeds of something… more.
The city of Arkham is so closely tied to the eldritch weavings of Lovecraft’s Mythos that it’s come to be a stand-in name for the whole world in other places. There’s Arkham Horror, the Streets of Arkham, and plenty more out there.
But it’s not hard to understand why. The fictional Massachusetts town is home to more than its fair share of eldritch abominations. Not the least of which can be found in the cryptic halls of Miskatonic University.
And Chaosium, publishers of Call of Cthulhu, have captured Arkham’s beating heart in a new supplement out now, titled, fittingly enough, Call of Cthulhu: Arkham.
Call of Cthulhu: Arkham
In a nutshell, this is the “definitive guide to the signature setting of Call of Cthulhu“. It’s a hefty splatbook that has a little something for everyone. Players will be especially drawn to the new Investigator Types, as well as the rules for special Arkham-centric skills. Or may find themselves embroiled in one of Arkham’s many secret societies or social clubs.
GMs will find the secret history of the city extremely appealing, with a grand total of 290 locations spread out among Arkham’s nine neighborhoods. As Chaosium puts it, the book is the “perfect supplement for a sandbox-style campaign.” You could run a whole campaign that never left the city’s bounds with the information stored herein.
Everything from fully detailed NPCs to scenario seeds, even game aids like maps and newspaper headlines, are ensconced within the book. Just make sure you keep the player map and Keeper map, which has all the secret information on it, separate.
Call of Cthulhu: Arkham is more than just a supplement for the Call of Cthulhu roleplaying game. With a richly described history of both Arkham and the famous Miskatonic University, street and neighborhood maps, and hundreds of locations, this book is perfect for fans of mythos fiction, as well as any board games, card games, or stories set in the fabled city of Arkham.