D&D: That Gold Dragon Redesign Heralds more Majestic Dragons

WotC has a new look for the gold dragons you know and love. Shiny, golden, and loooong, even the dragons have leveled up.
With a gorgeous new Player’s Handbook right around the corner, WotC teased out some of the majesty of the upcoming new revision. Because it’s not just the rules getting overhauled and tweaked, but rather the whole meal that is D&D. Artwork, mechanics, even narrative aspects all work together, all get redesigned at least a little.
And we see that at work in the majestic new look for the Gold Dragon. Gold Dragons, in 2024, unfurl into splendor. With long, spiraling tails that give them a sword-like silhouette, the new look says a lot. And yesterday, Comicbook.com unveiled the new look AND spoke with the artist revealing some tantalizing new details.

Gold Dragon Glow Up
Gold Dragons have a much more sinewy design now. With long, seriously long tails that flow behind them, Gold Dragons carve out a sword-like silhouette. But that’s intentional, as Comicbook.com revealed, speaking to Josh Herman at WotC:
We didn’t want to just chop the wings off and all of a sudden it just feels like a totally different creature,” Herman said. “With the gold, what we wanted to do is actually shrink the main wings and play up the sort of ribbon-like appearance that they would have.
The new wing design plays out narratively as well. Their appreance can reflect how they might be moving. As Herman put it:
So, I could see [the wings] being a thing where it might not use them all the time, and maybe it is able to fly with them sort of tucked back a lot of the time when it’s going at a fast speed, almost like an F-14 Tomcat. The wings might come out to do different types of maneuvers at different times.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg. All dragons, chromatic and metallic, have had their looks tweaked. Perhaps they have new abilities as well under the system. I mean, give me a reason to it “turbo boost” on a dragon and I would jump at the chance.
Just saying, WotC, the ball’s in your court now.