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Goatboy’s Grimdark Armylist: Space Wolves Thunder, Thunder, Thunder-Dreads!

4 Minute Read
May 10 2024

Goatboy here with a Space Wolves army list idea that throws together Thunder Wolves and Dreadnoughts – like peanut butter and jelly!

Goatboy here with a Space Wolves army list idea that has me wishing I just made all my Marine options into Space Goats.  I think there was a time when I always built any new Marine army with a ting of Space Goat madness to them.  It was my personal theme, and it’s been a while since I made one of these. I wish I had kept up with it.  If I had, I might have had all the parts for this army instead of just wondering if I should paint some Thunder Wolves in my current paint scheme for Marines.

The idea here is that Space Wolves Thunder Wolf cavalry are pretty dang cheap right now.  Then you mix in the fact that Dreadnoughts are very good as well. This gives us the idea for a list of brutal bullies and the hanger-on groups that help them out.  I thought – why not have enough to bother people in the middle of these dense city fight style tables and see if we can survive owning the middle of the tabletop.

Space Wolves Fists and Claws

Space Marines
Space Wolves
Stormlance Task Force
Strike Force (2000 Points)


Techmarine (55 Points)
• 1x Forge bolter
1x Grav-pistol
1x Omnissian power axe
1x Servo-arm

Wolf Guard Battle Leader on Thunderwolf (80 Points)
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Crushing teeth and claws
1x Power fist
1x Storm Shield

Wolf Guard Battle Leader on Thunderwolf (80 Points)
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Crushing teeth and claws
1x Power fist
1x Storm Shield

Wolf Lord on Thunderwolf (125 Points)
• Warlord
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Crushing teeth and claws
1x Power fist
1x Relic Shield
• Enhancements: Fury of the Storm

Wolf Lord on Thunderwolf (115 Points)
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Crushing teeth and claws
1x Power fist
1x Relic Shield
• Enhancements: Portents of Wisdom



Ballistus Dreadnought (140 Points)
• 1x Armoured feet
1x Ballistus lascannon
1x Ballistus missile launcher
1x Twin storm bolter

Ballistus Dreadnought (140 Points)
• 1x Armoured feet
1x Ballistus lascannon
1x Ballistus missile launcher
1x Twin storm bolter

Brutalis Dreadnought (160 Points)
• 1x Brutalis bolt rifles
1x Brutalis fists
1x Twin Icarus ironhail heavy stubber
1x Twin multi-melta

Brutalis Dreadnought (160 Points)
• 1x Brutalis bolt rifles
1x Brutalis fists
1x Twin Icarus ironhail heavy stubber
1x Twin multi-melta


Redemptor Dreadnought (210 Points)
• 1x Icarus rocket pod
1x Macro plasma incinerator
1x Onslaught gatling cannon
1x Redemptor fist
1x Twin storm bolter

Redemptor Dreadnought (210 Points)
• 1x Icarus rocket pod
1x Macro plasma incinerator
1x Onslaught gatling cannon
1x Redemptor fist
1x Twin storm bolter

Redemptor Dreadnought (210 Points)
• 1x Icarus rocket pod
1x Macro plasma incinerator
1x Onslaught gatling cannon
1x Redemptor fist
1x Twin storm bolter

Thunderwolf Cavalry (90 Points)
• 1x Thunderwolf Cavalry Pack Leader
• 1x Crushing teeth and claws
1x Heirloom weapon
1x Storm Shield
• 2x Thunderwolf Cavalry
• 2x Crushing teeth and claws
2x Heirloom weapon
2x Storm Shield

Thunderwolf Cavalry (90 Points)
• 1x Thunderwolf Cavalry Pack Leader
• 1x Crushing teeth and claws
1x Heirloom weapon
1x Storm Shield
• 2x Thunderwolf Cavalry
• 2x Crushing teeth and claws
2x Heirloom weapon
2x Storm Shield


Callidus Assassin (100 Points)
• 1x Neural shredder
1x Phase sword and poison blades


1965 Points

Space Wolves Thunder-Dreads Tactics

It is a pretty simple Space Wolves list to run on the tabletop. You have a bunch of units that can move, advance, and get there if they need to.  The Brutalis Dreads are back-up bullies, and then you have Redemptors coming after that.  The two Ballistus Dreads give you some backfield support that can hold objectives as well.  If an army can dig through all that beef, they still have to worry about some Power-fist-wielding Thunder Wolves who could come around a building and punch you into the face of oblivion.

The Thunder-Dreads list also fulfills the normal Goatboy desire of having very few things on small bases.  You see small bases makes Goatboy sad while big bases – well they bring all the boys to the yard.  Or girls – or whoever wants to come play with my Thunder Wolves and Dreadnoughts.  I almost have this list ready to go, minus painting up a last coupld of Thunder Wolves units. I think it might work and be a nice little spoiler-style army when facing other attack lists in team events.

What do you think?   Thunder, Thunder, Thunder-Dreads HO!

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