It’s Not Babe, Sweetcakes, Or Princess; It’s a Newsworthy April O’Neil Cosplay

This April O’Neil cosplay is reporting live from the convention floor for Channel 3 Eyewitness News—check out this scoop!
All hail the first redheaded journalist to steal my childhood heart. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles was a classic movie in my house, and I watched it regularly to the point of wearing out the VHS. The movie boasted the whip-smart and twice as sarcastic news reporter April O’Neil on the big screen. (As well as the oft-quoted “but never pay full price for late pizza” line that is STILL mentioned every time we order pizza at home). It’s about time for a tribute to April’s journalistic prowess.
April O’Neil was always a woman with a backbone of steel and a nose for the news. She could sniff a story from between a rock and a hard place and doesn’t mind whose toes she has to step on to get there. Cosplayer Samurai Jill had the honor of “interviewing” the wonderful Judith Hoag while in April O’Neil cosplay. It’s April-ception!
This cosplayer has worked with some fantastic artists, and her work with Jeff Zoet Visuals is proof of that. Jeff implements a clever use of color to evoke the feel of the comics. Though there are no turtles to be found, you instantly feel like you’re right in the world of the TMNT. Jill brings a sassy and elusive energy to the character, shifting fluidly from a comedic to a dramatic expression at the drop of a hat. Plus, hats off for clever use of thematic props. Want a slice, anybody?
April O’Neil Cosplay by Samurai Jill
“But whoever is behind these crimes, one thing is certain: these are much more than just a series of random isolated incidents. Crimes without criminals? An invisible gang at work? Who are we gonna call? Unfortunately, the police are the only ones to combat what some are already dubbing the silent crime wave. But perhaps the most disturbing silence is that coming from city hall. April O’Neill, Channel 3 Eyewitness News.”
“I’d like to invite you all in, but I really don’t have anything to offer you guys except for some… frozen pizza.”

“This is great. I must really be on to something hot if they’re trying to kill me.”
“Casey, I wouldn’t ask for your help if you were the last THING on the face of this planet.”

“Do you guys ever think of anything besides pizza?”
~Join us next week for more cosplay coverage~
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