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Legions Imperialis: ‘Devastation of Tallarn’ Brings New Rules & Miniatures

3 Minute Read
May 18 2024

There’s a new campaign book coming to Legions Imperialis and it’s got loads of new minis on deck to match!

Legions Imperials has ushered in Warhammer back into the Epic scale. The miniatures might be smaller but the deathtolls are much greater. Now, there’s another campaign book to take to the tabletop. The Devastation of Tallarn brings even more ways to play Legions Imperialis — and brings rules for even more miniatures!

Devastation of Tallarn

In the upcoming campaign book you’ll get a brand new campaign to follow. Additionally, you’ll have new missions, new detachments, and new units to bring out to play.

Here’s a quick look at a trio of options found in the book. You’ve got the Leman Russ Demolisher Squadron, the Auxilia Stormsword Squadron, and a Legion Sicaran Arcus Squadron.

New Legiones Astartes Units

Saber Strike Squadron


Astartes might be know for their power armour but don’t forget about their bevy of awesome tanks. The Sabre Strike Squadron is perfect for softening up those extra hard targets!

Termite Assault Drills

There’s few better ways to surprise your foes than to pop-up from underneath their very feet! Send in the Termite Assault Drills and be the mole-man assault teams you’ve always dreamed of!

Sicaran Arcus and Punisher Squadron


The Sicaran Arcus and Punisher Squadrons are going to be able to deliver some much appreciated heavy fire-power in tank form to the tabletop for all your Astartes Legions.

New Solar Auxilia Units

Leman Russ Exterminator and Annihilator

There’s a reason the Leman Russ Battle Tank is still in use. Here’s just two of the options coming…

Leman Russ Executioner and Demolisher Squadron


And of course there’s two more Leman Russ variants to join the fray. It’s one of the Imperiums most versatile platforms after all!

Shadowswords, Stormblades, and Stormswords

And finally we have the BIG guns. Three more Baneblade variants are coming to bring the boom to the tabletop for the Solar Auxilia!


Will you fight to defend the remains of Tallarn or are you going to finish the job and turn those ruins to rubble?!


Author: Adam Harrison
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