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Necromunda: New Trazior Sentry Guns Are Automated Death In Hive Secundus

3 Minute Read
May 27 2024

Sometimes you just need to drop a turret and walk away. That’s exactly what the Trazior Sentry Guns are good for in Necromunda.

The application of directed firepower can solve a lot of problems in the Hive Worlds of Necromunda. And with the closed off Hive Secundus opening up, pointing a few Sentry Guns down dark corridors might just be a perfectly fine solution. That’s where the new Trazior Sentry Guns come into play.

via Warhammer Community

“These defensive weapons are entirely automated and shoot at everything that moves within their firing arcs – friend or foe. This makes them extremely dangerous when deployed recklessly, as underhive gangs are wont to do, leading to many hives deeming them illegal with severe punishments for their trade and use.

Such laws are moot in Hive Secundus, however, where the sentry guns are highly prized. Lacking even the rudimentary intelligence of a servitor means they will fire without hesitation at the slightest provocation, though this often causes them to overheat and shut down. Luckily, the weapons have control panels that allow gangers to pause their firing protocols when allies are near.”

Trazior Pattern Sentry Gun

While indiscriminate fire is great when you’re BEHIND the guns, sometimes you do need to cross their paths. At least your friends can adjust those targeting orders with the manual controls…

You DO trust your fellow gangers, right? Bringing them to the fight is as easy as as stopping by the local Trading Post and busting them out when the time is right. They can be stored in the gang’s stash until needed so that’s a nice option. They also typical come with either twin grenade launchers or twin heavy stubbers. So… Yikes!


It is worth noting that once they are deployed they can’t be moved. So use them wisely. The only thing you can do is rotate the firing arc so they can at least be redirected.

If you’re like me and are thinking, “yeah I could find a use for those in my gang,” you’re going to have to wait a bit longer. Rules for them are coming soon in the upcoming Expansion Book for Necromunda.



Motion activated and fully automated. Just don’t stand in front of one of these things…

Author: Adam Harrison
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