Pathfinder Playtests New Class Ahead of ‘War of the Immortals’

As the War of the Immortals grips Golarion, Pathfinder is rolling out two new battle-focused classes for playtesting – starting now.
With the upcoming death of the god of war, Gorum, Golarion isn’t war-free, as you might imagine. Instead, it looks like war has spilled out across every part of the world, surface, above, and below. As the nations of Golarion clash for various reasons, divine and otherwise, the world changes.
And as part of that change, we get two new classes out for playtesting right now. Earlier this week, Pathfinder unveiled the Battlecry! playtest. This packet features two new classes: the Commander and the Guardian, both of whom are battle-focused. Those of you who have been slavering for a good Warlord in D&D might find that Pathfinder 2E has the answer you’re looking for.
The playtest runs for two months (through June 21st), so let’s take a look!
Pathfinder Battlecry! Playtest, Two New Martial Classes

First up, we have the Commander. This is a tactics-focused character whose primary ability is Intelligence, an archetype players have been hungry for for years now. This is an exciting one to see. Commanders have “daily preparations,” which allow them to drill specific tactics with their allies. These tactics can be signaled with a banner to allow allies to take additional actions. What sorts of actions?
Call for a Defensive Retreat to allow each of your squadmates to Step up to three times (away from enemies, of course) as a free action. Using the Double Team tactic to allow a squadmate with an opponent in reach to Shove or Reposition that foe as a free action. If they are successful and move that creature adjacent to you or a different squadmate, you or that squadmate can Strike that opponent as a reaction.

Then there’s the Guardian. This Strength-based protector is all about heavy armor and putting it between as many blows as possible. Whether it’s taking the brunt of a devastating assault or intercepting strikes meant for allies (and gaining resistance in the process), these Guardians are the most stalwart defenders you can encounter.
In a move that evokes shades of 4th Edition D&D, Guardians have “Taunts,” which make them prize targets by imposing penalties on creatures who ignore them. It’s the classic video game Tank archetype given shape and form here.
Both of these will be out for Playtesting through June 21st, so if you want to give them a try and help change what the final version looks like, you should check out the playtest and surveys below.