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Warhammer 40K: Top 5 ‘Codex: Chaos Space Marines’ Enhancements for 10th Edition

4 Minute Read
May 16 2024

Goatboy here with the top 5 best Enhancements from the new 40K 10th Edition Chaos Space Marine codex to wreck the Imperials!

There are ton of awesome options in the new Chaos Space Marine codex, and these are the five I think are pretty dang awesome.  I am excited to start brewing with this new book and can’t wait to get my Red Corsairs army of nonsense on the tabletop!

5. Warmaster’s Gift – Veterans of the Long War

Chaos Lord only, and unmodified wound roll of 5+ scores a Critical Wound. This one is pretty easy to figure out, especially with a Daemon Hammer Chaos Lord activating its special ability to increase hits and damage. He’ll  just go to town on someone with 6 or so attacks and a 5+ to Critical with Sustained hits and then a 5+ for Devastating wounds.  It’s a cheap and powerful combo on a unit you see all the time and will continue to see all the time.

4. Shroud of Obfuscation – Deceptors

Heretic Astartes infantry-only model gains Stealth and Lone Operative.

We all know how Lone Operative is a very powerful rules interaction, so having your Chaos Lord, Master of Execution, or Master of Possession hiding and stalking their way through the backfield can be a powerful option.  It could also stack up with some allies as well to create this very annoying backfield that just loves to sit and hold objectives.

3. Mark of the Hound – Renegade Raiders

Heretic Astartes model – bearer and unit gain Scout 6”.

I hear an army that likes to move fast and now can be closer to you is a good thing.  You can use this to get some of your Chosen Closer as they ride in a Rhino or utilize other units to push toward the enemy faster.  This Detachment is all about pressure, and this is an excellent upgrade to help get your guys closer.

2. Warp-fueled Thrusters – Dread Talons

Jump Pack Chaos Lord.  If unit is not with engagement of enemy unit at end of enemy’s turn unit can go back into strategic reserves.  

The up and down options are a powerful thing in an army that loves how you can redeploy things to cause mischief.  This will show up in the Dread Talons detachment for sure usually attached to a ton of Raptors and other fun redeploy things.

1. Tempting Addendum – Soulforged Warpack

Heretic Astartes model only – Daemon vehicle within 3” when doing Dark Pact takes extra wound if failed but can reroll hit.  


This is going to be one of the few Auto-Take enhancements that you build an army around.  It is almost worth it to look at the Lord Discordant to just increase the aura range, but it most likely will run on a Warpsmith who loves to hang out with his Daemon Engine brothers.  While the army can’t do some of the insane damage a Mark of Nurgle option in the Pactbound Zealots detachment, they still can explode with dual Lethal/Sustained Hits with a Helbrute nearby and just pour out a ton of Forgefiend damage.

The new book is going to shake up the scene with a ton of new options and ways to play.  We’ll see what comes out on top with really only one “build around me” Enhancement in the army lists.  I think it is going to be a fun time to run your “bad guys” on the tabletops for a while.

For the Warmaster!

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