Age of Sigmar: ‘Blades of Khorne’ Faction Focus – The Blood Tithe

The followers of Khorne are coming for all the blood and skulls on the tabletop in Warhammer: Age of Sigmar.
Today we get a closer look at the rules for the Blades of Khorne. Are they going to be sharp enough to claim skulls in the upcoming edition or have they been dulled over time? I’m betting they are going to go straight for the jugular but let’s find out. It’s time for Faction Focus Blades of Khorne!
The murderous war-hosts known as the Blades of Khorne comprise immortal legions of daemons and savage mortal warriors. They are feared across the realms for the wanton destruction they bring. Khorne’s faithful are not limited to mighty armies, however, and he courts the worship of barbarian hordes and murder cults alike. Anyone who is willing to claim skulls for Khorne is rewarded with strength beyond mortal ken, just so long as the killing continues.
Blades of Khorne Battle Traits
The Blood Tithe is back and you’re still going to earn those points every time a unit is destroyed. What will you do with those Blood Tithe points? Spend them of course!
For two Blood Tithe Points you can use Spelleater Curse to unbind any spell. For 8 BTP, you can use Slaughter Triumphant which adds 1 to the attacks characteristic of melee weapons used by Blades of Khorne units for the rest of the battle. Alternatively, you can bring back a Bloodthirster that had been destroyed on the battlefield. Murderlust costs 1 BTP an allows you to move one Blades of Khorne unit 3″ and that move can put them in combat!
Brass Skull Meteor costs 4 BTP and you can drop it on an enemy unit. You then roll 8 dice and for every 3+ you cause 1 mortal damage to the unit. And finally we have Heads Must Roll for 6 BTP. This ups the rend for friendly Blades of Khorne units the rest of the turn by 1.
Overall, I’m glad to see the Blood Tithe Points return and I appreciate how you get them whenever a unit is destroyed — enemy or friends. If Khorne doesn’t care where the blood flows from then neither should his followers!
Blades of Khorne Battle Formations
We’re getting a look a the Khornate Legion Battle Formation but this is one of four of the options.
“Other daemonic hosts prefer to battle without mortals, gaining resilience to damage by shedding blood to warp reality itself. Mortal armies are more concerned with taking territory and displaying dominance than their supernatural allies, while an earth-shaking stampede of juggernauts simply crushes anything before it under their unstoppable charge.”
Blades of Khorne Prayers
Khorne isn’t one for sorcery. However, he’s at least open to prayers. That doesn’t mean he’ll answer but occasionally he’s might be okay with your priest’s words. Here we see the prayer to call in the Hexgorger Skulls.
Blades of Khorne Warscrolls
Today for the Warscrolls we’ve got the Bloodthirster (of Insensate Rage), Bloodletters, Karanak, and the Blood Warriors. That’s a whole lot of blood! I like this mix for sure as I’m sure everyone was wondering how beefy the Bloodthirsters would be. It’s also good to see the Bloodletters warscroll as they are a fairly common choice for this army, too.
Blades of Khorne Spearhead
The Spearhead is the current Vanguard Box. So, as always, if you’re looking to get a jump start then pick-up that box for Spearhead games.
- 1x Slaughterpriest with Hackblade and Wrath-hammer
- 3x Mighty Skullcrushers
- 10x Blood Warriors
- 10x Bloodreavers
The Bloodbound Gore Pilgrims is mostly focused on the mortal followers of Khorne. They do pack quite a punch at least. Below we get a look at their rules and the warscroll for the Mighty Skullcrushers.
That’s going to be one hard-hitting unit, especially on the charge! Keep an eye out for these guys on the tabletop or you just might lose your head.
How do you think the Blades of Khorne are going to fair in the new edition?