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Age of Sigmar: ‘Daughters of Khaine’ Faction Focus – All Out Slaughter

4 Minute Read
Jun 10 2024

Games Workshop has a new Faction Focus on the Daughters of Khaine out now. The murderlust continues with these disciples of murder!

The Daughters of Khaine are back in the new edition and are looking as deadly as ever. Led by Morathi-Khaine they look to renew their bloodlust on the tabletop once again. We’re getting a high level look at what they will be able to pull off. Let’s find out how their Battle Tactics, Warscrolls, and more will shake out in the new edition.

via Warhammer Community

“When called to war, the Daughters of Khaine strike like the quicksilver lash of a serpent. They trust in speed and agility over cumbersome armour and brute strength, and weave deadly shadow sorceries to augment their razor-sharp combat skills.”

Daughters of Khaine – Battle Traits


All-out Slaughter is here with the Daughters of Khaine. It’s a simple and straightforward ability: it lets a unit fight twice. The second time they do have strike-last but this is still a fantastic ability. We also have the Daughters of Khaine Blood Rites back once again. This is a classic of feature of the army. And yes, those abilities still stack round-over-round. I’m curious to see if the DoK will have ways to bump up the table like they did in previous editions…

Daughters of Khaine – Battle Formations

“Of the four battle formations available to Daughters of Khaine armies, the Scáthcoven favours the elite Melusai and Khinerai troops who make up Morathi-Khaine’s Vyperic Guard. They strike at the heart of enemy armies with the Speed of the Scàthborn, endowing them with blistering speed.”


Again, there are going to be a total of four formations to start. We’ll have to wait for the rest of the rules to come out for s closer look at those. For now the Scáthcoven is looking mighty deadly. I do wonder how the interaction between Speed of the Scáthborn will work with say All-out Slaughter. Based on the previous edition, their first attack would be at “strike-first” speeds. But the second attack would then go to the standard combat phase speed because strike-first and strike-last would basically cancel out. Still, being able to activate a Melusai unit twice before your opponent gets to attack back (with the right timing) is almost assured destruction. But that’s assuming it works the same.

Spells of the Daughters of Khaine

The Daughters of Khaine are retaining access to the Lore of Shadows as well as their own blood rites. So expect lots of spells and prayers coming from this army. And don’t forget about those nasty manifestations coming your way, too. Bladewind is one of the living constructs made of blood that they can call upon.

Daughters of Khaine Warscrolls

Once again GW has dropped a handful of Warscrolls. You’ll notice two different ones (once again) for Morathi-Khaine and The Shadow Queen. And once again, those two units are tied together with the One Soul, Two Bodies ability. And also, yet again, The Shadow Queen can only take 3 damage points a turn. We also have a look at the Sisters of Slaughter and the Khinerai Hearrenders, too.







Daughters of Khaine – Spearhead

The Daughters of Khaine Spearhead is the same as the Vanguard Box that is currently available. And if you’re reading this at the same time as the publication, well those price hikes have hit across the board. This box is now $145. You could have saved yourself $5 if you had a time machine and purchased it last week.


  • 1x Melusai Ironscale
  • 10x Witch Aelves, which can alternatively be built as Sisters of Slaughter
  • 5x Blood Stalkers, which can alternatively be built as Blood Sisters
  • 5x Doomfire Warlocks

At least we get a look at their new Spearhead rules. They still have their Blood Rites to play with. Additionally we get a look at the Blood Stalkers which were a pretty popular option in the previous edition.




That’s it for the Daughters of Khaine. I do wonder if GW has come up with a way to make this army really tick without bringing The Shadow Queen. I know that Krethusa the Croneseer’s Army of Renown did have some possibilities and that the Armies of Renown are supposed to return. Fingers crossed that the DoK players aren’t just relegated to running Morathi-Khaine in every game.


What do you think of the Daughters of Khaine changes for the new edition?

Author: Adam Harrison
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