Age of Sigmar: Five Biggest Character Warscroll Reveals…So Far

Games Workshop has chewed through almost all the faction in Warhammer: Age of Sigmar. Which character warscroll reveals were the biggest?
I’m getting more hyped for Warhammer: Age of Sigmar’s new edition. So far, I’m liking a lot of the changes I’ve seen. There seems to be a rebalancing of power levels with various nerfs and buffs going around. Some of the biggest characters in the game have gotten overhauls and I figured what better time to look at them than right now?! Now, you might be wondering how I decided which warscrolls were the “biggest” reveals. Was it word count? Physical size? Most shocking changes? Take a look at my list below and you tell me what you think.
#5 Kragnos
The End of Empires is kicking things off. That seems fitting somehow. But Kragnos is going to be a force to be reckoned with on the tabletop for sure! Packing some strong passives, a 4+ save and a 5+ ward built in, you can bet Kragnos is going to have some staying power. It’s going to be interesting to see how he’ll slot in with other Destruction armies, too.
#4 Nagash, Supreme Lord of the Undead
Next up is Nagash. There’s really not much to say about him that hasn’t already been said. Above is his Ossiarch Bonereapers warscroll but I do wonder if we’ll see any tweaks in the other Death faction armies. With his 3+ save and 5+ ward, and ya know, being the lord of Undeath, I don’t think that he’s going to be easy to kill. Or make re-dead instead of un-dead. Anyhow, You can bet he’s gonna be a power house on the tabletop for sure!
#3 Shadow Queen/Morathi
Of course she’s on the list — there’s TWO of them! Now, if you were thinking that “biggest” meant most text or the Physically Largest warscroll, clearly Shadow Queen Morathi would be #1 on account of her two warscrolls. That’s like TWICE the amount of everyone else. But seriously, she’s got a combined 18 health between the two warscrolls but really she’s “only” got 12…however she can only take 3 wounds a turn. Plus she’s got a 4+/5+ and a 6+ ward on top of those. She’s gonna be on the board for a minimum of 4 turns and that’s what makes her so darn impactful.
#2 Gordrakk, The Fist of Gork
The death-cabbage rider of Gork is no joke. You can bet that when Gordrakk gets into combat he’s going to be laying down the hand of his deity upon his enemies — and they aren’t going to enjoy it! With a massive 20 wounds and a 3+ save I don’t think he’s going to die easy. And if you get caught on his warpath you better pray it’s not on a turn when he pops the Waaagh! on you!
#1 King Brodd
King Brodd is perhaps the beefist character on this list. Not only are Mega-Gargants MEGA, King Brodd is the biggest of them all. He’s got 40 wounds on a 4+ save but don’t act like that’s going to be easy to chew through. When he gets into combat you can bet he’s gonna lay the smack down on his foes for sure. His Obelisk of Tor Crania has the potential to drop a massive 30 damage if he lands all his hits and wounds. AND it’s Rend 2. That’s a pretty heavy hitter but this list is packed full of them.
Which character reveal is #1 in your list of BIGGEST warscrolls?