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Age of Sigmar: Hobby Highlight – Painting Krondys

2 Minute Read
Jun 6 2024

It’s time to paint up Krondys, Son of Dracothion, for Stormcast in this week’s Hobby Highlight!

This time I am showing Krondys, Son of Dracothion, for Age of Sigmar.

Krondys, Son of Dracothian, is a truly huge dragon model for Stormcast Eternals. Foremost among the Draconith, it was Krondys who swore the Pact Draconis, forging the alliance between the drakes and the Stormborn, and creating the Stormdrake Guard. The great drake strikes an imposing form upon the battlefield in his full regalia, making a great centerpiece for any army. With a new edition looming large, a large model is the perfect antidote.

Krondys Paint Scheme

I went with a sort of by-the-book color scheme for Krondys, using the red/cream scheme usually associated with Karazai to his arcane brother, rather than blue/white. There is another slight variation, carrying the cream from the dragon’s wings onto his face. I used the aged bronze I have been fond of lately for many of the armored parts, but also did a classic Retributor Gold based piece. I let the red from the body bleed over on the wings near the body, and really enjoy the effect.

Painting Recipe


Wraithbone Primer
Airbrush Fleshtearer Red
Airbrush Blood Angel Red
Mephiston Red highlights
Airbrush Skeleton Horde

Castellax Bronze
Nihilak Oxide

Retributor Gold spray
Seraphim Sepia
Drybrush Liberator Gold

Abaddon Black
Corvus Black
Skavenblight Dinge
Nuln Oil

Slate/ Vallejo Earth Texture
Spray black
Spray zenithal Wraithbone
Stirland Mud
Burnt Sienna pigments
Brightly-colored Tufts


Happy Krondys hobbying!

What Age of Sigmar projects are y’all getting into as we approach the new edition??

Author: Allen Campbell
  • Age of Sigmar: 'Idoneth Deepkin' Faction Focus - The Soulraiders