Age of Sigmar: ‘Ironjawz’ Faction Focus – Mighty Destroyers

The Ironjawz are big, tough, and ready to WAAAGH!!! Let’s find out what they are bringing to the tabletop in the new edition.
When it comes to being both brutal and cunning the Ironjawz check those boxes. Today we get a look at these Mighty Destroyers and see what sorts of smashing and bashing they are going to be carry out. Get ready for this WAAAGH!!! to steamroll in the new edition.
“The Ironjawz embody the raw thuggishness of Gork. They beat iron into crude but effective armour – often with their own fists – and swing ramshackle weapons with such force that even their dulled edges can hew enemies in two. “
Before we get too far into the mix it’s worth mentioning that the Ironjawz and the Kruleboyz are both part of the Orruk Warclans Faction Pack. According to GW:
“They are functionally two separate factions, but the pack contains a full set of battle traits, enhancements, battle formations, and warscrolls for each.”
So if this one seems a little light on the previews that’s really why. With that said, let’s get into it!
Ironjawz Battle Traits
When it comes to Battle Traits the Ironjawz don’t need a whole lot of fluff. They just get down and dirty with two rules. First up, we have Mighty Destroyers which is a call back to a previous rule. It’s been tweaked a bit however. Now, it’s just a 3″ move that happens in the Hero Phase. But this move can move them into combat and cannot be used to move them out of combat.
Ironjawz Waaagh! is back as a once per battle ability that impacts units wholly within 18″ of the Ironjawz Hero who used it. Those units get to add 1 to charge rolls and 1 to their attacks characteristic for their weapons.
I’m curious to see how these changes play out for the Ironjawz. Formerly, they were a very fast army that could hop across the board and be in your face turn one. I’m wondering if they’ve lost all that movement and if so what’s the new game plan.
Ironjawz Battle Formations
They still have their other Battle Formations to rely on as well. There are four in total and we’ve got a look at Ironjawz Brawl below. This one gives the Ironjawz a boost when they get an unmodified charge roll of 8+. Enjoy those bonus attacks for your melee weapons!
“They are joined by the Grunta Stampede, a cavalry force that picks up more speed as it tramples enemies, the Ironfist, who inspire each other to greater acts of carnage, and the Weirdfist, who call upon the roiling Waaagh! energy of their shamans for supernatural protection.”
Ironjawz Spells and Prayers
The Lore of the Weird is sticking around and Bash’em, Ladz! is back, too. This one makes a target unit’s melee weapons have Crit (2 Hits) for the rest of the turn.
We also get a look at one of the Prayers for the Ironjawz that their Warchanters will get access to. This is Warbeats: Killa Beat. This one adds one damage to their melee weapons and if you happen to roll an 8+ (after modifiers) you can target TWO friendly units.
Ironjawz Warscrolls
As far as Warscroll previews go we have another nice cross-section of units. Gordrakk is here to lead the way. We also get a look at the Warchanter which was a popular option for Ironjawz. There’s also the Brutes and the Maw-Grunta warscrolls to peruse as well.
Ironjawz Spearhead?
As of right now, there’s actually not an Ironjawz Spearhead option. That’s unfortunate. We may see one at some point in the future but as confirmed by GW, that’s not happening at launch.
“The current Orruk Warclans Spearhead provides miniatures for the furtive Kruleboyz, who have used their dirty tricks to get ahead of the competition. And while we’ve heard rumbling and clattering with a distinctly Gorkish timbre to it, there’s nothing on the horizon just yet. Keep an eye on Warhammer Community for further Warhammer Age of Sigmar and Spearhead updates.”
That’s all for the Ironjawz. Again, this one is a little lighter on the previews but the Ironjawz were never much for small talk. They are brutal and to the point and I think they are going to bring that attitude with them in the next edition!
Big, Mean, and covered in Iron — and that’s just the hogs!