Age of Sigmar: New Edition, New Meta – Games Workshop Lays Out The Plan

Games Workshop is preparing for a new edition of Warhammer: Age of Sigmar and a plan on how they want to roll out updates moving forward.
It’s an exciting time for Warhammer: Age of Sigmar fans as the new edition approaches. For me, this is the perfect time to jump in as everyone is having to relearn the game. No one is 100% sure on the “best” of anything just yet and we’re all going to be experimenting. It’s a good time.
That said, eventually there will be a meta that develops. It’s inevitable as this happens with every game with a competitive scene. But GW knows this and they’ve got a plan on how they want to move forward with the new edition. And they are laying that out for us all to see.
“When the game receives a major balance pass, those updates will be contained in that one document. These are Battlescrolls, the primary delivery method the Warhammer Studio is using to ensure a healthy, evolving meta that strives for balance both between and within factions.
These are planned for every quarter and the Studio is going to continuously aim for a healthy mix of updates to internal and external balance where needed, while trying to keep the overhead of staying abreast of the changes manageable. Points changes remain the primary means of adjusting balance, there may also be changes to warscroll abilities of battle traits where appropriate”
Age of Sigmar Update Schedule Plans
You can expect a Battlescroll Update every quarter from GW. The goal with these updates is to ensure the health of the game and make sure that the majority of armies are in that sweet spot for win rates of 45%-55%. As GW collects more and more data they’ll have a better idea where armies are landing in general.
“The interim updates in spring and autumn are spot fixes to deal with outliers from the expected 45%-55% win-rate band, as well as addressing problematic interactions and points of confusion. The summer and winter will be more substantial: this is where you can expect wider-ranging updates to help smooth out internal balance or the inclusion of universal options in lists. All of the changes will be contained within the one Battle Profile document and will be summarised at the top. “
Win rate is a good indicator of external balance as it’s comparing overall army performance against their peers. But that’s just one metric they are looking at. GW will also be looking at the internal balance of the armies. That’s why at launch the new Faction Packs have different battle formations and Enhancements. Combined with each unit having specific unit rules this should give GW lots of levers to look at pulling if need be. If a particular battle formation is dominating the pick rate and the army has an outlier win rate, that might be an indication that something needs to get looked at.
Player Feedback Is Key
“The team will be travelling to major events and talking to players around the world to ensure that these changes are impactful, but also that they align with what they are seeing on the tabletop, and that they make sense to players.”
So don’t be surprised if you see GW folks wandering around at major GTs or other big events. Community engagement is another big factor for them. Checking-in with the people actually participating in the game at the highest level is a great way to make sure things are healthy and working as intended.
The Skaventide Pre-order goes up this weekend and it’s sure to be a huge deal. Inside the box will be the General’s Handbook 2024-25 seasonal cards so you’ll be able to dive right in on day one!
The Battlescroll Updates worked pretty well for the previous edition. Here’s hoping GW sticks to the plan for 4th!