Age of SIgmar: Our Five Favorite Units That Came From ‘Dawnbringers’

The Dawnbringers saga is coming to a close as the Skaventide rises. Join us as we look at our favorite character additions to the game.
If you need to catch-up on the Dawnbringers Saga, Games Workshop has a recap for you. There’s also the 30 entries into the series they’ve been putting out as well. We’re not going to dive deep into the lore with this one as that’s not the point of the article today. No, right now I want to talk about my favorite characters that were added to Warhammer: Age of Sigmar because of the Dawnbringers saga. This story thread allowed GW to really toss out new characters for basically every faction and give them unique Regiments of Renown to use. So let’s get into it!
I gotta start with the Summer King. Ushoran was such a fantastic addition to the range of the Flesh-eater Courts. I really loved what they did with this model, too. I’m still a little on the fence about the size of his base vs this height (I would have liked him to be a little larger) but it’s such a great scene. He’s also creepy — it’s like he’s slowly stalking forward down those steps about ready to pounce.
Belthanos, First Thorn of Kurnoth
I have a soft spot for the old Wood Elves from the Old World. In particular, I was always a fan of Orion. And Belthanos is basically about as close as Age of Sigmar is going to get to bringing him back. I kind of wish he had some giant insect hounds…but I suppose you could just take some Revenant Seekers for that role. Anyhow, I really like this model and once I get around to making that Sylvaneth army I’ve always wanted Belthanos is going to be leading the charge!
Abraxia is going to lead my Varanguard army into the new edition. So it’s entirely appropriate that I put her on this list. She’s essentially a super-jacked up Chaos Lord on Karkadrak — and I’m okay with this. I also love the lore about her “gift” from Archaon. This model is great and she’s a worth commander for the Varanguard. I can’t wait to see her new rules and what modifications are made to her Regiment of Renown in the new edition.
Krethusa the Croneseer
I’m adding Krethusa the Croneseer to this list, but maybe not for the reasons the internet would have you believe. I actually think her Regiment of Renown finally gave Daughters of Khaine players a way to run that army without having to rely on Morathi to do all the work. It had some funky tech-plays you could do with the Cauldrons and she has some neat interactions. I hope that GW manages to fit Krethusa into the new DoK and that she fills a similar role.
Trugg The Troggoth King
I have a soft spot for Trugg as well. Mostly because that’s where he dropped his hammer on my army as Gentle Ben troll-blungendeon me with them. But really, I liked the rules for this character. He really changed the Troggoths up…not that they were exactly hurting mind you. Still, I appreciated how he changed up that army and I think he’s got a cool concept going on. That’s why I’m including him on this list.
There’s a few more characters from the Dawnbringers Saga — who was your favorite addition to Age of Sigmar?