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Age of Sigmar: ‘Skaventide’ What’s In The Box?

3 Minute Read
Jun 24 2024

Warhammer: Age of Sigmar has a new “Skaventide” Launch box coming out. So what all is in the box? Have a look for yourself!

We already took a look at the miniatures from the new Age of Sigmar Skaventide launch box. Now we’re going over the rest of the goodies you’ll find inside.

Skavetide Unboxed

As mentioned, we’ve covered the miniatures. All-in, you’re getting 24 Stormcast Eternals, 50 Skaven, and 4 Terrain features worth of miniatures in the box. It’s a perfect amount for two players to jump in and start playing Spearhead games. Which is fitting because that’s part of the “other” contents in the box.

Kicking things off, there’s the big fancy Core Book. This is a massive 272-page tome for all things Age of Sigmar. Naturally, there’s all the lore and background you’ll want to familiarize yourself with the setting. This being a launch box it’s designed for new players so this has exactly what you’d expect. Additionally, there’s all the rules you’d need inside as well battlepacks for Matched Play, Path to Glory, terrain lists, and more. There’s also the General’s Handbook deck which is a pack of oversized cards for season rules and battleplans for the 2024-2025 season. These are really for the Matched Play/Tournament crowd and you can expect them to see a lot of use!

On top of the “Core” game things, there’s also the Spearhead contents. This is where a lot of new players are going to want to start. There’s a double-sided board with “objectives” already marked on them. Additionally, there’s the new Fire & Jade book which is specifically for Spearhead. we’re going to be going over that book in more details later as well. There’s also the 36-card deck for Spearhead games. These are super handy and are a great aid for your Spearhead games.


Personally, I’m happy to get ahold of that Fire & Jade book for Spearhead. It’s got the rules for all 25 separate Spearhead forces you can bring. Again, we’ll cover that more later but I think this is a great format for faster games. I’m very curious to see the community reaction to Spearhead in general. I don’t know if folks are going to embrace it as an alternative to larger scale (point) games for the tournament scene or if it’s going to end up as an intro system to Sigmar. We’ll have to wait and see how that shakes out.

Again, if you want get a closer look at miniatures from the box, we did that already. There’s some great sculpts in there. Also, don’t forget that these miniatures are just the first wave for the Stormcast and Skaven armies. The players will get to decide the fate of a city and also determine which faction will get their showcase first.

Inside the Skaventide boxes are a special code you can use to enter your results from your game. That’s what will determine the fate of the battle of Hel Crown! That battle kicks off July 15, 2024.



Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Skaventide is a big box of goodies for the launch of 4.0!

Promotional product provided by Games Workshop, PLC.

Author: Adam Harrison
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