Age of Sigmar: ‘Slaves To Darkness’ Faction Focus – Eye of The Chaos Gods

The chosen of the Chaos Gods are marching to war once again. It’s time to behold the Slaves to Darkness in the next Faction Focus!
The ultimate “bad guys” of Warhammer: Age of Sigmar are the Slaves to Darkness and all the followers of Chaos. They are the thing that the settlers in the Mortal Realms fear. They are the reason that the so called God-king Sigmar hides in Azyr. And they worship (and sometimes wrestle) the Ruinous powers. The Slaves to Darkness are coming to take back the Mortal Realms. How will they hold up in the new edition? Let’s find out.
“The Slaves to Darkness are the true heirs to the Mortal Realms, the descendants of ordinary people who turned to worship the Ruinous Powers in a bid to survive the Age of Chaos. From tribes of Darkoath led by grim-faced Chieftains to armoured hosts commanded by tyrannical warlords, the Slaves to Darkness reave the realms in pursuit of power. Their goal is simple: overthrow the weak and their false gods, and claim dominion over the Mortal Realms.”
Slaves To Darkness Battle Traits
The Eye of the Gods is back once again to cast it’s sight upon the battlefield. It’s changed quite a bit in this edition however. Now, it’s just a simple D6 roll. And, from the looks of things, you can’t roll to turn into a Daemon Prince anymore. But you also won’t lose your unit to a Chaos Spawn either.
Additionally, we also see that the Eye of the Gods table can stack with itself. Plus we get a look at the chaos marks, too. Those have been tweaked sightly as well so pay attention if you were playing them last edition like me! Things work a little different now. I still think Khorne and Nurgle are going to be very popular picks however…
Slaves To Darkness Battle Formations
We’re getting a look at one Battle Formation with the Godswarth Warband. With Ironclad Onslaught you get to drop some mortal damage on enemy units contesting an objective that has been defiled. Bonus damage is always welcome. There’s going to be a few more Battle Formations to use, too.
“Other legions are brought together under warlords who put their grudges aside to stake their claim on enemy territory, while savage beasts and monsters will fight with unnatural vitality under the command of a Daemon Prince. The mortal Darkoath chieftains are charismatic commanders, their terrible battle cries calling reinforcements forward to flood the battlefield with fresh waves of their kin. “
I’m personally wondering if we’re going to see the return of the Knights of the Empty Throne. I really want to run my all Varanguard army again.
Slaves To Darkness Lore of the Damned
Lore of the Damned is also back and we’ve once again got Daemon Speed. It adds a die to the number of dice when making a charge roll. 3D6 charges are still a thing!
Slaves To Darkness Warscrolls
As far as Warscrolls go we’ve got a few choice teasers here. Be’lakor is here along with the new version of the Daemon Prince. We also get a look at the Chaos Knights and the Darkoath Marauders. This isn’t my favorite spread of units but I’m glad to see the Daemon Prince and the Chaos Knights. I might actually bust out the Daemon Prince in the upcoming edition.
Slaves To Darkness Spearhead Bloodwind Legion
The Spearhead has already been updated with the new box as well. So if you want to grab one to get your Chaos warrior on nothing is stopping you from getting started now. Well, if you can find a copy that is…
- 1x Chaos Lord
- 1x Chaos Chariot, which can alternatively be built as a Gorebeast Chariot
- 10x Chaos Warriors
- 5x Chaos Knights
The rules for the Bloodwind Legion are a truncated version of the Eye of the Gods table. There’s more to them than just this however.
And finally we get a look at the Chaos Warriors warscroll for Spearhead. Again, this isn’t the “full” warscroll but it’s a good indicator of what you can expect for these units.
Two wounds with a 3+ save to start? And a 3+/3+ weapon profile with 2 attacks and 1 rend base? That’s nothing to sneeze at!
That’s it for the Slaves to Darkness previews in this Faction Focus. Personally, I’m liking what we’re seeing so far. I would like to see the rest of the warscrolls and rules before I make any final judgements. I think they are still going to be a solid army regardless and I’m looking forward to dropping them on the tabletop once again in the new edition.
The eye of the Chaos Gods is upon you.