Age of Sigmar: ‘Sons of Behemat’ Faction Focus – The Mega-Gargants Are Ready To Stomp

Get ready for a massive look at the Mega-Gargants of the Sons of Behemat with the latest Faction Focus from Games Workshop.
When it comes to low model count armies few compare to the Spawn of the World Titan. The Sons of Behemat might not have numbers on their side but when you’re a Mega-Gargant, you’ve got your weight to throw around! Let’s see how they stack up in the upcoming edition.\
“Gargants have been stomping around since the Age of Myth, sleeping, eating, belching, and tussling – typically with other gargants, for they see the smaller races as little more than pipsqueaks. Size is an almost holy quality to the Sons of Behemat, so little ‘uns are seldom treated as more than playthings to poke, prod, and squish – revelling in the funny little noises they make – or as snacks.”
Sons of Behemat – Battle Traits
First up we have a look at their Battle Traits. TIMBERRRRR! is a passive that is triggered anytime one of the Mega-Gargants or Gargants in the army is slain. They are really big and when they fall, they fall hard. This fall can cause D3 mortal damage to multiple units within 3″ of the impact point.
Gargant Charge can inflict another D3 mortal damage to a target within 1″ of a Mega-Gargant or Gargant that charged and didn’t use a Rampage ability this turn. It might not seem like a lot, but it’s going to add up. Another Rampage option is Earthshaking Roar. This stops an enemy unit in combat from using any commands for the rest of the turn.
There’s also the Colossal Slam which is as awesome as it sounds. This allows a Mega-Gargant who hjs not used a Rampage to pick-up an enemy monster or war machine within 1″ and move it somewhere else within 1″ of the Mega-Gargant. This then causes D3 mortal damage. Yep, the body slam is back! And speaking of things that are also back, there’s the Jump Up and Down ability, too. On a 3+ die roll, the Gargant or Mega-Gargant gets to roll a die for each model in the target unit for the chance at causing mortal damage. You don’t want to get squished!
Sons of Behemat – Battle Formation
The Faction pack does actually come with a total of four battle formations for the big guys. I’m a little shocked but it sounds like it’s based around the various tribes of the Gargants:
“Three other battle formations are included in the Faction Pack – Breaker tribes whose besieging tactics let them shield each other from enemy attacks, Stomper tribes who rejoice in smearing whole armies underfoot, and Boss tribes that rely on bellowing at a rabble of Footslogga underlings.”
The preview is for the fourth option: The Taker Tribe.
Artefacts of Power
Unlike most of the other armies, they Sons don’t really bring the spells or prayers. Instead they get access to Titan Trophies — which are their Artefacts of Power!
Sons of Behemat Warscrolls
We get to compare King Brodd to a couple of the different Mega-Gargants. And we also get a look at the Mancrusher Gargants which we can also compare to their Spearhead versions below. Aside from that, take your time and check out what’s changed on these warscrolls.
Sons of Behemat Spearhead – Wallsmasher Stomp
This one is basically Three Mancrusher Gargants and yep, this is basically the Mancrusher Mob box. But what will they be able to do in Spearhead? Here’s a look at their rules:
And for comparison sake, here’s that Mancrusher Gargant Warscroll. You can see the differences from this one and the “main” warscroll.
That’s it from the Sons of Behemat. They are coming back once again to stomp their way across the Mortal Realms in Warhammer: Age of Sigmar!
King Brodd or Kragnos? Why not both?!