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Age of Sigmar: ‘Warscroll Builder’ Is Shutting Down

3 Minute Read
Jun 24 2024
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Games Workshop has announced the end of the Warscroll Builder army building tool. Farewell old friend, we salute you!

It’s a bit of a cloudy day with the news that the Warscroll Builder on the WarCom site is going to end of life. The silver lining is that it’s because there’s a new edition around the corner — which also coincides with the end of support for the app. While I can understand why GW and it’s developer Ton Pacheco are ending support, it’s still a bit of a bummer.

via Warhammer Community

“Tony originally created Warscroll Builder to help his local gaming community, but it soon became popular with fans around the world. We were so impressed by it, that we partnered up with Tony and gave the roster builder an official home here on Warhammer Community in 2017.

But after seven years, and with big changes to army construction coming in the new edition, Tony has decided not to keep updating the program, and plans to move on to new things. This means that the Warscroll Builder will be removed in the coming weeks as the new edition of Warhammer Age of Sigmar launches.”

New Edition Signals End of An Era

If you don’t know the history of the Warscroll Builder, WarCom has a message from Tony that explains it pretty well. The long and short of the message is that Tony started the project seven years ago just to help his local group put together lists. Word got out and it became a popular option for loads of folks around the world to use. Then WarCom reached out to him and partnered with Tony to put the Warscroll Builder on the WarCom site. Personally, I want to say thanks to Tony and WarCom for hosting it for so long. I’ve been a massive fan and used it quite frequently over the years to check my own lists.

Warscroll Builder will always stick out to me as a super easy and intuitive app to use for list building. It might not have been the fanciest option but it was easy and functional. For many tournaments that required list submission it was a great tool to use to quickly generate a list in a format that you could submit. I don’t know what the plan is for GW moving forward for list building apps. Hopefully whatever options GW moves towards in the future, be it in the Warhammer App or beyond, then it’s at least as functional as the Warscroll Builder was. And keep in mind that the Warscroll builder was *free* on the WarCom site. For me, that was a big win just because it was something to point new players towards and it didn’t require a login or a code from a Battletome to use.


Actually, GW did answer the question about what’s next:

“This doesn’t mean you’ll be without a handy way of creating your army lists— there’s an all-new Warhammer Age of Sigmar app launching very soon. We’ll have all the details on this tomorrow here on Warhammer Community. Stay tuned!”

That’s good to know. But like I mentioned above, it better be as good if not better than Warscroll Builder. I already have the Warhammer App for AoS on my phone, too. But we’re moving to a new edition so fingers crossed that GW has learned a ton from the previous edition and can make it even better in the future.



So long Warscroll Builder. You’ll be missed. And again, big shout out to Tony Pacheco — good luck with your future projects!

Author: Adam Harrison
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