It’s Time to Save the World With This Tracer Cosplayer

She’s conquered Overwatch cosplays and continues to build new skills! Illisia Cosplay can do it all.
Illisia Cosplay is an artist known for her portrayal of iconic female characters from games, movies, and comics. She craves the strong and dynamic, working in a variety of mediums. Illisia has an excellent ability to embody both their skill and grace through her imagery. This cosplay artist spotlight lets us take a look behind the scenes.
“Now I know that only love can truly save the world. So I stay, I fight, and I give, for the world I know can be.” -Wonder Woman
How Did You Get Your Start in Cosplay?
I discovered cosplay when a friend asked me to go to a convention with her. When I saw people dressed up as their favorite characters, I thought I would love to do that as well. I started being involved in cosplay in 2008, but it was not until 2013 that I created my first cosplay, all made by me.
What inspires me is my passion for video games, anime, series… I love to represent my love for them in the shape of cosplays. Plus, I love the creative process and meeting people with the same interests at conventions.
What Type of Cosplay Work Do You Specialize in?
I would say I’m more into armor, though I also love doing props. For some years I’ve been learning about sewing, though there’s always room for improvement!
What Is Your Favorite Type of Cosplay to Work On?
Something that is a challenge for me! I love using new materials, learning new things, and trying out new ideas… that’s why I always try to challenge myself, though from time to time, it’s great to do something simple and fun.
What Are Your Favorite Completed Cosplays?
Katarina from League of Legends, and Tyrande and Jaina from World of Warcraft. I think they’re the ones that represent me the most.
What Crafting Material is Your Favorite?
I usually use a lot of different materials, as I think you have to find the perfect material for each need, but if I had to decide, I’d say pleather (fake leather) fabric.
What are Your Favorite Fandoms and Characters?
I love the Overwatch cosplay fandom! The people are so creative and fun. I always laugh at Overwatch memes and enjoy meeting OW cosplayers.
What Types of Games Do You Play? Videogames, Tabletop, Wargames?
Videogames! I play on PS4, 3DS and computer mainly.
Who are Your Cosplay Inspirations? Whose Work Do You Aspire to?
The cosplay community has so many talented and inspirational people that it is difficult to choose just a few! I must say that Kamui has been a great reference for me since the beginning.
What are Your Favorite Movies/Shows to Consume While You Craft?
I prefer listening to music rather than series or movies, but I’ve been watching The Immortals while I cosplay because it’s easy to follow even though you’re not looking. My favorite thing to do is cosplay streaming on Twitch, in which the viewers can suggest songs… it’s so much fun!
What Message Do You Have For People Wanting to Break Into Cosplay?
Don’t be afraid, just do it! Enjoy it, have fun, meet new people, share your knowledge, and don’t let anyone bring you down. It might be hard at the beginning, and you will need to learn new things, sometimes by failing, but never give up! Keep learning, be kind, and enjoy.

~Join us next week for more cosplay coverage~
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