Critical Role’s ‘Mighty Nein’ Series is Cooking, Plus LVM Season 3 Trailer!

Critical Role’s animated series based on Campaign 2, aka the Mighty Nein series, is currently underway at a full clip.
As we head into the summer months and things get hotter outside, it’s important to remember that things are getting hotter inside as well. Assuming inside is where you keep your TV. Basically everyone does. I don’t know why I said it like that, but I do know that Amazon Prime’s Critical Role animated series, The Legend of Vox Machina isn’t the only thing D&D/Critical Role fans have to drool over.
Because earlier this weekend, the official Critical Role animated series account revealed that production was well underway for the “Mighty Nein” series. If you’re unfamiliar, Mighty Nein is both the group and the animated series based on the antics of Campaign 2, which premiered six years ago in January 2018. Ah, simpler times, those.
It looks like the gang’s all here, so let’s ake a look.
Critical Role’s Mighty Nein Series – “Y’all Aren’t Ready”
The announcement came via Twitter, a website that continues to die a slow, bot-addled death because nobody can agree on what should replace it yet. Personally, my thinking is we should return to the days of Webrings. But that’s neither here nor there. What is both here and there is the announcement from the official Legend of Vox Machina and Mighty Nein Twitter account, which is where this picture originates:
And a small update – we’re currently recording the Mighty Nein series, more to come!
So it seems like production is well underway. But that’s not the only exciting new update for fans of the Critical Role animated series. Because in addition to the news that M9 is at the voice recording stage, the premiere of The Legend of Vox Machina, Season 3, got a release date and a whole new opening title sequence.
Here’s a look at the title sequence, complete with Percy and anime glasses. Scanlan Shorthalt drawing magical blue sword. Everything you could possibly want from a new season of Critical Role’s hit animated series.
And you won’t have that long to wait. It seems that Season 3 premieres October 3rd. Which is just about enough time to go back through and rewatch Campaign 1, if you hurry up and get started like today.
Look for more Critical Role animated serieseses later this year!