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D&D: Five Spells for Your Adventuring Base Magical

4 Minute Read
Jun 6 2024

Whether you’re in a wizard tower, a guildhall, or any other home base, here are five spells that can make your manor magical.

The adventuring lifestyle is one that often leads to a lot of wandering. But one of the things about wandering is you’ll eventually want a place to call your own. Many adventurers establish a more permanent home base at some point during their careers. The upcoming 5.5E Bastion Rules will make it easier than ever.

But it takes more than just having a house to make it a home. Fortunately there are plenty of magical spells that can enhance your daily life. And we’re going to look at five of the best spells for your home base.

Unseen Servant

This is a fantastic spell for any campsite, even. But in a magical home base it’s even better. Unseen Servant can be cast as a ritual spell, which means you can cast it without spending a spell slot on it, or even having to prepare it.

And for your efforts, you get a huge boon. You basically get the effects of the magical broomstick in the Sorcerer’s Apprentice, only no risk of too much water or magical brooms. An unseen force will perform simple tasks like fetching things, cleaning, mending, folding clothes, lighting fires, serving food, and pouring wine. You can have  a couple of these going at once thanks to the ritual tag (and no concentration required) which can make it very luxurious.

Of course, they have to stay within 60 feet of you. But this spell is enough to make any home base comfortable.

Arcane Lock

This is a great spell for securing your home base. You can magically lock a closed door, window, gate, chest, etc. For the small cost of 25 gold pieces, you create a magically reinforced lock that’s difficult to break or pick. And it lasts until you dispel the spell, so you can repeat it throughout your magical manor to your delight.



Everyone needs a quiet room in their house. Some place where you can get away and relax to your heart’s content. With Silence that can be any room. It magically prevents any sound from getting to whoever is ensconced within its magical dome.

Which means that you can make sure you get an amazing bit of respite, at least for a few short minutes. Mix in some magical scents from something like prestidigitation and you’ve got a perfect mini-spa ready to happen.

Programmed Illusion

Speaking of illusions, Programmed Illusion is a great way to liven up any home. You can create a magical illusion of an object, creature, or any other visible phenomenon, and set it to activate whenever a specific condition occurs.


Which means you can have something magically greet you every time you come home. Or if you want to get more intricate, you could create a system of visual cues to provide emergency lighting or pathway illumination for up to five minutes, or any other visual phenomena that would brighten your day.

You can program multiple illusions in an area. And even if you know it’s an illusion, it’s a great way to magically decorate your home.

Nystul’s Magic Aura

Finally, Nystul’s Magic Aura is a perfect way to conceal any magical things you might have in your house. Most adventurers have enough magic items by the time they’re looking to settle down, that a single enterprising thief could be quite profitable/devastating depending on which side of the equation you’re on.

With Nystul’s Magic Aura, you can change the way your target appears to spells and magical effects like detect magic. You can make magical objects appear mundane, or mundane objects appear magical. That way you can make a bunch of “magical” treasure out of, say, your chamberpot—especially since casting this spell every day for 30 days makes it permanent—and then when it’s stolen, you know you already have your revenge on the thief.

Author: J.R. Zambrano
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