D&D: The Eyes Have It – Five Magical Pieces of Eyewear

Beauty is in the eye of the Beholder. But what lurks inside these five magical pieces of eyewear? More than just fashion.
In Dungeons & Dragons, you can live out many power fantasies. These can include being a big, strong himbo. Getting 8 hours of sleep on a regular basis. Making enough money to retire, like, ever. Even wearing glasses that give you special powers, the fantasy incepted in most of us after reading the back ads of a comics digest, can be fulfilled in D&D. How? With these five magical pieces of eyewear.
Eyes of the Eagle
Gimli, son of Gloin, might have the eyes of a hawk. But with these magical crystal lenses, you can do one better. While wearing these crystal lenses, which fit snugly over the eyes, you gain advantage on Perception checks based on sight.
But on top of that, you also can make out the details of “extremely distant creatures and objects as small as 2 feet across.” You’ll be able to tell if that’s a whiff of cloud or Crebain from Dunland.
Eyes of Charming
These colorful magic glasses are all about making friends. Making friends through mind control, that is. All you have to do while wearing them is make eye contact, then spend one of the item’s three charges to cast charm person at a humanoid within 30 feet.
Not the most exciting thing, but you’ll feel cool by busting out your hypno glasses the next time you need to sneak into the bandit’s hideout.
Goggles of Night
These magical lenses allow you to see in the dark. You gain darkvision out to 60 feet, or if you have darkvision, your range increases by 60 feet.
Additionally, you can whisper things like “bravo delta moving into position” and you’ll look extremely cool while doing so.
Eyes of Minute Seeing
Not to be confused with Eyes of the Eagle, these lenses are also very good at spotting fine details. However, they only magnify things that are very close. While making an investigation check that relies on sight, you have advantage, if the target is within 1 foot of you.
Eye of Vecna
This last one isn’t a set of magical eyewear, per se. But it’s an eye you can wear, so it still counts. Of course, you’ll have to gouge out one of your own to put it on. Or in. But, hey doing so will give you incredibl…y evil power. You’ll gain a few random artifact abilities, but you also get truesight, meaning you can see everything including through illusions, as well as the ability to see through walls.
On top of that, you can use the eye to cast many spells. Including clairvoyance, crown of madness, disintegrate, dominate monster, and eyebite. There is, of course, the slightest chance that Vecna tears your soul from your body, devours it, and then controls your body like a puppet. But really, what are the odds you’ll roll a 1?
What’s your favorite magic eye?