Explain the Scientific Nature of the Whammy: The Dana Scully Closet Cosplay

Grab your sunflower seeds—this X-Files closet cosplay never lets the Devil steal the show.
I haven’t hosted a seance or watched the X-Files since high school. Okay, I’ve NEVER hosted a seance. I did, however, watch a fair amount of the X-Files, and I will be forever traumatized by the late-night sounds of its haunting theme song resonating down the darkened hallway from my bedroom to the living room where my folks watched.
I was always taken with Dr. Dana Scully. Strong, stoic, whip-smart, and always looking for answers- she was the perfect role model. Conveniently, she’ll also make for a highly recognizable, easy to wear, and easy to have fun with closet cosplay!
Dana Scully Closet Cosplay: The Blouse
Dana is a classy lady with good taste. As such, she wears simple yet fine clothing. Her look is pretty standard business fare, so it should be easy to scrounge up (if you don’t have it already!)
Dana Scully Closet Cosplay: The Slacks
Another classic piece is the black slacks. They’re useable for just about any business meeting, job interview, or elusive MD with a taste for mystery.
Dana Scully Closet Cosplay: The Jacket
Scully handles her business in a traditional black blazer. Double-breasted and double-pocketed, because you KNOW a Doc has gotta have her pockets.
Dana Scully Closet Cosplay: The Shoes
I chose a simple black pump for the heel. The 90s was an era of the thicker wedge heel, but you could also get away with a loafer. It all comes down to where you’re going out on the town with your cosplay!
Dana Scully Closet Cosplay: The FBI Badge
Round your closet cosplay out with a bit of authenticity. The name badge says it all. It makes for some great conversation starters at a convention, too!

~Join us next week for more cosplay coverage~
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