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Goatboy’s Grimdark Armylists: Updated Chaos Tournament Lists

6 Minute Read
Jun 28 2024

It’s time to take a look at a pair of armylists our very own Goatboy has cooked up for the updated Chaos armies out there.

Goatboy here with 3 lists that deal with my 3 updated armies.  I currently rotate between World Eaters, Chaos Space Marines, and Chaos Daemons as my lists of choice.  Most of the time if I am painting something for myself it is a Chaos figure and lately it has been me working through some World Eater/CSM style stuff as both armies are red. A helpful tip for those wanting to playing more than one Chaos like army try to make sure the colors are all the same through the pieces you use.  There is nothing like always having all the Rhinos you need for all your lists.

Of course with a whole slew of updates I need to tweak all of my current go to lists.  Lucky for me the Chaos Space Marine ones were just beginning to shape up so the changes I had to do because of point shifts don’t throw me off.  The World Eaters was the last one I played and I actually gained points for that one.  The Chaos Daemons has me going hard in the Slaanesh side of things and most likely removing the Soul Grinders as the Pivot rules make it hard to get around with their shorter movement.  Of course I could just go hard in “teleporting them around” but that is something else to think about.

World Eaters, Goatboy Style

Will start with the World Eater one and most likely the army I play this coming weekend.  The Family didn’t have anything going on and I was able to get away to throw some dice on Saturday and Sunday.  I had a lot of fun with my World Eaters at the Alamo GT a few weeks back and thought, “I should play what I know well enough.” So again this is most likely what I will be playing with.

Goatboy’s World Eaters List

Lord Invocatus – 140pts
Kharn – Warlord – 100pts

Khorne Berzerkers X 5 – 90pts
-Dedicated Transport-
World Eaters Rhino – 75pts


-Other Datasheets-
Eightbound X 3 – 140pts
Eightbound X 3 – 140pts
Eightbound X 3 -140pts

Exalted Eightbound X 3 – 140pts
Exalted Eightbound X 3 – 140pts


World Eaters Forgefiend – 145pts
World Eaters Forgefiend – 145pts
World Eaters Forgefiend – 145pts

World Eaters Maulerfiend – 140pts
World Eaters Maulerfiend – 140pts
World Eaters Maulerfiend – 140pts

1990 pts

This is a simple list from the one I played before.  I got a few extra points from the Eightbound changes on both flavors and decided to drop the Master of Executions.  This lets me get another Forgefiend which is a very cheap piece for this army.  It gives me some very powerful damage dealing options and helps activate the Maulerfiends faster movement.  I had a lot of fun with this list and while it isn’t the best it really does fit in the playstyle I like.

Back To Goatboy Basics With Chaos Space Marines

The Chaos Space Marine one is an untested list and feels like it would be fun.  In some ways it goes a bit hard in the shooting options available to the army and available to me.  I was initially going to do some Havocs but with their point increase it is less of an exciting thing.  The coolest add on is of course Fabius Bile and amplifying a unit of Chosen.  It has a lot of bodies, can do some counter assault, and feels like it has options which is a good thing.  I will probably look to playing something like this for LSO later this year.

Chaos Space Marines Renegade Raiders

Chaos Lord – Warlord, Enhancement – Mark of the Hound – 115pts
Master of Executions – 80pts
Fabius Bile – 85pts


Cultist Mob – 50pts
Legionaries X 5 – 90pts
Legionaries X 5 – 90pts

-Dedicated Transports-
Chaos Rhino – 75pts
Chaos Rhino – 75pts
Chaos Rhino – 75pts

-Other Datasheets-
Chaos Vindicator – 185pts
Chosen X 10 – 250pts
Chosen X 10 – 250pts

Forgefiend – 190pts
Forgefiend – 190pts
Forgefiend – 190pts


1990 pts

This one doesn’t feel like it has the board control the World Eaters could have but it will surely hit harder.  I have Warp Talons if I want to use them as well as Chaos Bikers and other fun things.  I guess as I get used to the new missions I might shift up the army to go away from the damage potential to go into the scoring potential.

Getting Naughty With Chaos Daemons

Finally we have Chaos Daemons and the whole push to Slaanesh I think fits my playstyle better.  I really hated my Lord of Change and thus I have gone back to Team Slaanesh with a board control style army.  It forgoes the ability to do damage to things via range but maybe this will end up being better. If not I have to look at doing some Slaanesh Grinders to help teleport around and punch things to death.

Chaos Daemons

Be’lakor – Warlord – 325pts

Great Unclean One – Enhancement – The Endless Gift – 260pts
Keeper of Secrets – Enhancement – Soul Stealer.- 305pts
Keeper of Secrets – 290pts
Keeper of Secrets – 290pts


Daemonettes X 10 – 100pts
Nurglings X 3 – 40pts
Plaguebearers X 10 – 110pts

-Other Datasheets-
Fiends X 3 – 105pts
Seekers X 5 – 80pts
Seekers X 5 – 80pts

1985 pts

This is a pretty simple list utilizing your two Anchor style units – GUO and Keepers – to help bring some shadow around, get some close assaults, and tie things down.  The fiends can be annoying as they give someone -1 to hit which starts to be an issue with Nurglings around too.  It all adds up to an army that is looking to gum up the middle, hold it down, and kill some things.  Plus it should play pretty fast as you are just moving, throwing some spell dice, and getting into combat.

All 3 lists have some interesting bits and while I plan on going World Eaters next each option has me thinking about an event.  The Daemons need some paint as I need to find all my Plaguebearers as well as get some Seeker boxes painted.  Heck I have the fiends somewhere too and those are just a pain in the butt to paint up.  I also wonder if some Slaanesh Chariots might be the secret sauce too as they are big, move fast, and love close charges.


What are you planning with your own Chaos armies!?

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