Jump Into the TARDIS With These ‘Doctor Who’ RPGs, Accessories, and Games

Whether you’ve been a fan since 1963 or are on your first Doctor now, there are a ton of Doctor Who games and accessories to enjoy.
Doctor Who was one of those things I was almost destined to enjoy. My parents had a plush firelizard (not Who related, but if you know what I’m talking about, you’re my kind of nerd) with a very long scarf that I wouldn’t recognize as the Forth Doctor’s for a while. Personally, I didn’t jump in until Ten, then backtracked to Nine, and watched for a while before falling off of it.
Now, I’m one of those on-again-off-again fans. Every regeneration or showrunner change I think, “I should add the Doctor back into my show rotation” and then something else comes up. But until I do jump back in, there are a whole bunch of games and RPGs to feel timey wimey about.
1. The Official Tabletop Roleplaying Game

I love when a tabletop RPG system exists for a series that I love. Having the opportunity to jump into that universe, tell my own stories in that universe, and then inflict those stories upon my friends is the dream. The Doctor Who RPG by Cubile 7 is popular and generally beloved by fans who have played. And there is quite a bit of it with books covering all sorts of locations, creatures, companions, regenerations, etc. There’s even a starter kit over here.
2. Don’t Blink (the game)

Some Doctor Who monsters are almost goofy and memeable. I’ve seen riffs on the Daleks and Cybermen on Sesame Street. But others manage to be actually terrifying. Did the weeping angels change all of our brain chemistry at the same time? They may have, because none of us could look at statues the same way for weeks after their introduction. So obviously, we’re going to funnel all of that energy into a board game specific to them. And remember, no blinking.
3. Magic: The Gathering, Doctor Style

Are you a Magic the Gathering fan? Maybe you’re not, but you are a fan of collecting cards with pretty art? Well there are four Doctor Who commander decks, and you can grab them all in one fell swoop. How do the cards play? No idea! But how’s the art? C’mon, you know it’s good.
4. TARDIS Yahtzee

You may be looking at this and thinking, “Is there anything functionally different, or am I looking at regular, run of the mill, classic Yahtzee with a Doctor Who skin?” And yeah, it’s the latter. You know the Yahtzee set you had in your game pile growing up but never touched because it didn’t look fun? What if that exact same game had a TARDIS for a shaker and characters on the dice. Suddenly sounds like a little more fun, right? In all seriousness though, I love this rebranding. It’s so on-the-nose, but also very kitschy in a way that really meshes with the whole vibe of Doctor Who.
5. Doctor Who Trivial Pursuit

Trivial Pursuit is a whole game based around the concept that people like knowing stupid facts, like being right, and like showing off their knowledge of stupid facts. But what if all of your facts and trivia are hyper focused on one campy, time travel themed piece of media? Now is your chance to show off!
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