Stay Awhile and Listen to This Kamui ‘Diablo IV’ Necromancer Cosplay

How quickly can an expert cosplay craftsman create the ultimate Diablo IV cosplay? You won’t believe the answer!
Diablo stands today as one of the first and longest-standing dungeon delving games. Lovers of Dungeons & Dragons flocked to this new outlet for murder-hoboing (please don’t do it to your DM unless they’re into it) when its initial installment came out. Now decades and many generations of graphics capabilities later, Diablo IV is the youngest upstart in the dungeon world.

Cosplayer Kamui is a long patron of Blizzard‘s games and has worked with them on previous game releases. When a major brand needs a professional to rock out a cosplay in a hurry, they turn to the likes of the giants like Kamui and Yaya Han. For their newest release, they needed a perfectly deadly Necromancer.
“Haunt your foes with the dead, so even the demons of the Burning Hells will feel dread. Reanimate corpses to protect the living. Curse the damned with baneful skills. Inflict pestilence on the enemy. Alienated and shunned by society, those who underestimate your power are ignorant of their grave mistake. Only your commands echo in eternity. Raise the dead. Raise the stakes. The Necromancer is here.”
Naturally, Kamui conquered to the challenge… Whipping the entire cosplay out in just over TWO WEEKS. See her extended making-of video on YouTube, above!
Diablo IV Necromancer Cosplay by Kamui Cosplay
“What a pity… I was beginning to enjoy the darkness.”

“Mephisto, give my regards to the Abyss.”
“Necromancers are cunning summoners that conjure vengeful hordes of the undead. Their Essence flows into three powerful bastions of Bone, Blood, or Shadow to bring low their enemies.”
~Join us next week for more cosplay coverage~
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