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Marvel: Crisis Protocol – 5 Characters From Team Tactic Cards We Want On The Tabletop

3 Minute Read
Jun 26 2024

Is Atomic Mass Games just teasing us with the card art? Maybe! Here’s five characters from the art we want in Marvel: Crisis Protocol!

The Team Tactic Cards in Marvel: Crisis Protocol are an intricate part of the game. They can be game changing cards that you can add to your roster and bust out at critical times. But I’m not here to focus on the rules of those cards today. Instead we’re going to flip those cards over and check out the art because there’s some characters on them that are a little surprising. Why are they featured on the art but not on the tabletop yet? Here’s five characters we want to see make the jump from the art to the table!


Featured on the “Fall Back” Team Tactic Card we have Virginia “Pepper” Potts in her Rescue Armor Model 3. If you’re not a big comic book reader then you might not be familiar with this character. The MCU actually did show her very briefly in the Infinity War saga. Personally, I think she’d be a great character to add to the mix. Maybe one day we could even get an Armor Wars set going…


Don’t let the “A” fool you — this isn’t Captain America or Apocalypse. No, I’m talking about Avalanche on the “Mind Transfer” Card. We’ve already got The White Queen Emma Frost and also Pyro in the game. So why not bring in Avalanche! If you’re a fan of the X-Men ’92 cartoon you know Avalanche and Pyro were buddies. He’s also shown up in various other media as well. So why not bring him to the tabletop?


Blackheart is featured prominently in the “Mystic Ward” card — and for good measure! You’d want one if you were squaring off against demon. Typically Blackheart battles with Ghost Rider but has been known to get into scuff-ups with other mystical characters as well. Plus, we’ve got Mephisto coming to the game why not bring along one of his “offspring” to help him out.



Okay, okay…this one might be cheating a little. AMG already teased that Nimrod might be coming to the tabletop soon-ish. Personally, I can’t wait! But until Nimrod shows up I’m going to keep the dream alive and mention him when appropriate. Here we see him doing battle with Colossus and Shadowcat on the “Hold Still” card and I really hope this becomes a reality — on the tabletop at least!


Chalk this one up in the “I still can’t believe we don’t have this character in the game yet” category. How is Abomination NOT in the game but we’ve already had two versions of Hulk? And yeah, I know, he’s kind of “just an evil Hulk” but not really… The Abomination is a bit more nuanced than that. Still, I think having an “evil Hulk” isn’t a bad thing for Marvel: Crisis Protocol. Plus, maybe adding in Abomination opens the door for some more members of the Hulk family to show up.


There’s a TON more characters that show up in the art but not on the Tabletop in MCP. Let us know in the comments who you’d like to see!


Author: Adam Harrison
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