Marvel: Crisis Protocol – Black Panther & Namor Up Close

Black Panther, Chosen of Bast and Namor, The Submariner are coming to the tabletop and we’re taking a closer look at them!
Atomic Mass Games sent us a review copy of the upcoming Character Pack for Black Panther and Namor. I took the time to unbox and build the miniatures and now I finally get to show them off. These two minis are pretty epic and they are going to be fun on the tabletop, too! So let’s get into it.
Kicking things off with your standard contents shot we’ve got the two baggies with the goods. There one with all the sprues and one with all the cards — just as you’ve probably come to expect.
As far as the cards go you get four sets of ALL the cards. That’s the character cards plus the team tactics cards in the four different languages supported.
Here’s a closer look at the sprues in the box. And yes, they both come with their own custom scenic bases. I keep going back and for on the idea of the scenic bases. On one hand I don’t like that they aren’t flat on the bottom because that makes my process for magnetizing the bases for miniatures tricky. On other hand I like the sculpts and the character each custom base brings.
Black Panther & Namor Assembled
After the initial unboxing step I then took them to the hobby table and got them assembled. Building both of these miniatures was a breeze. That’s a good thing because if you haven’t noticed, there’s no instructions in the box. Instead you get a QR code to go to the MCP website. The funny thing about that is with review copies the website doesn’t have the instructions up yet…
Oh I know, “boo-hoo you’re getting stuff early and you don’t have instructions on how to build them.” Yeah, it’s tough. But seriously these models go together in such an straightforward and intuitive manner you probably don’t need instructions. Just dry fit the bits before you add glue to make sure you know how stuff fits. I used plastic glue to fuse everything together.
Black Panther is up first and I really liked his pose and companion. When I was assembling the miniature I was wondering if the cape was optional because the necklaces sculpted all the way around. Also, for a character like Black Panther, I feel like a cape is more of a nuance but that’s fine. Also, I love his actual black panther on the base with him.
If you want to see the Black Panther’s rules for MCP we already did a write-up on those as well. He’s much more of a mystic threat with this version and would fit well with the other current Wakandan Affiliation members.
Namor’s rules on the other hand just came out and I wrote those up as well. As far as the miniature goes when I was building it I couldn’t help but think two things: 1) He’s jacked like a swimmer for sure and 2) Namor looks like a carved statue with this entire pose and sculpt.
I unironically think this piece could be in a fountain or some water feature in a park. He looks like a Greek sculpture with even more extreme definition. It’s certainly fitting for the Prince of Atlantis I suppose.
I want to make some sort of fish-pun here but I’ve always thought that Namor was a lot meaner than another fish-man. I’m actually looking forward to getting Namor on the tabletop with the classic Cap and the OG Human Torch. It’s gonna be an old school Invaders list! I’m a little intimidated to paint up the water feature though. Oh well, time to get over that fear and dive in.
Both of these miniatures come in the same character pack that is currently up for pre-order. It has a release date of July 12, 2024.
Pre-Order — Marvel: Crisis Protocol – Black Panther, Chosen of Bast & Namor, the Sub-Mariner $49.99
“Offering players a new version of T’Challa, Black Panther, Chosen of Bast acts as a spiritual conduit for the people of Wakanda, providing him with powerful gifts for both the mind and body. In his Marvel: Crisis Protocol debut, Namor, the Sub-Mariner king of the sunken kingdom of Atlantis wields his mystic trident and super-human strength as a bulwark between land and sea. These two miniatures are accompanied by 2 character stat cards and five team tactic cards.”
When Wakanda and Atlantis team-up their opponents are in for a tough time!