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Marvel: Crisis Protocol Shang-Chi Preview – The Living Weapon

5 Minute Read
Jun 18 2024

Shang-Chi is the target of the next preview from Atomic Mass Games. Come take a closer look at the Living Weapon!

Get ready for some amazing Kung-Fu fightin’ action as Shang-Chi is joining the fray in Marvel: Crisis Protocol. Now we already got a closer look at the miniature and, I must say, it’s a winner. But today we’re taking an even closer look at Shang-Chi’s rules. A master of the martial arts Shang-Chi is going to be a fun addition to may rosters.

via Atomic Mass Games

“Shang-Chi was born in China to the infamous Zheng Zu. From birth he was trained in many different forms of martial arts, quickly mastering several unarmed and weapon styles. Believing he was doing what was right and just, he traveled to London to assassinate Dr. James Petrie only to learn the truth of his father’s evil schemes. Vowing never again to be a pawn of evil, Shang-Chi sought to thwart the plans of Zheng Zu’s criminal empire, harassing his father’s goons throughout the years that followed. He would be a part of many groups, including the Heroes for Hire, MI-6, and Avengers. Each of these organizations is bolstered by his powerful martial abilities, leadership qualities, and superhuman gifts granted by the Ten Rings.”

Shang-Chi, The Living Weapon

Kicking thing off, stat-wise Shang-Chi is a Threat Level 4 character with a great defense line of 4/3/4. He’s also got 11 heath spread across his healthy and injured side. That might not see like a lot of staying power but he’s got Supreme Martial Artist to help his defense. When he’s defending against attacks from within range 3 he can add blanks to his defense rolls.

He’s listed as a medium move but he’s also got some movement tricks, too. But let’s get into his attacks. First up, he’s got Ten Thousand Shapes Strike which is a range 2, 6 die attack! That’s nice for a builder attack plus he can swap the damage type from physical to mystic if you want. That’s great for bypassing defenses for sure. And if you get a crit and a block on the results you also can apply a Stagger to the target. Rising Phoenix Kick is another attack. It’s range 3 and 5 dice and while that might sound weaker it’s still a builder and is always a safe 1 energy builder. Additionally, it moves Shang-Chi to within range 1 of the target. On top of the move tech, this is also an energy attack, too!

His first superpower is a 2 cost ability. As a action you can make a move followed by a Ten Thousand Shapes Strike. That’s great for closing distance. On his healthy side he’s also rocking Dragon Chases its Tail which is another 2 cost power. It’s essentially a counter-throw if the attacker whiffs. And finally on his healthy side he’s got the Five Elements Fist. This is another spender for 1 energy. It can be triggered after a Ten Thousand Shapes Strike. You get to choose to either advance Shang-Chi Short or you can Push an enemy character within range 2 and size 3 or less. If the enemy hits a character or terrain feature they gain Stun. Quick note: you don’t have to choose the target of the TTSS attack to be the target of the Push…


When Shang-Chi becomes injured his rules change quite a bit. I guess he decided to get serious! He swaps out quite a few abilities. First up he’s got a new attack called Dim Mak which is a Mystic attack. It’s range 2 and packs a whopping 10 dice! It does cost 5 energy though. After the attack is resolved if the target had the stagger condition it loses it and instead gains an Activated token! Ouch. He’s also swapped out Five Elements Fist for Sixty-Four Infinite Palms. This still has the Push combo with TTSS, but you can also opt for a bit of healing and remove 1 special condition for 1 energy.

Finally, he’s also got a new power called Wild Goose Leaves the Flock. If Shang-Chi gets targeted by an attack within range 2 he can spend 3 energy to do this reaction. It allows him to advance Short and then place the attacking character within range 1 of him. This is a tricky-tech move for sure but could really pull an enemy out of position for later.

Honestly, Shang-Chi has a LOT of rules going on because his card changes so much from Healthy to Injured. Then again, I think that’s kinda what folks were wanting MORE of in Marvel: Crisis Protocol. If that’s you, well, now you’ve got a character to test that out with! Additionally, we get a look at a few of the Team Tactics Cards up close:


And yeah, you can tell he’s probably (more like definitely) going to be an option for the Defenders Affiliation. Also, as a complete aside, the art for Chi Mastery has Shang-Chi duking it out with the Steel Serpent who’s one of Iron Fist’s rivals. Steel Serpent character future release confirmed? I hope so! Also also, Mystic Ward features Clea vs Blackheart. Another villain teaser from AMG? Maybe, please!?

That’s all for the Shang-Chi preview for Marvel: Crisis Protocol. I can’t wait to get him on the Tabletop!

Author: Adam Harrison
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