MTG: Hop to It – Top Frog Commanders

They may seem like innocent amphibians, but these five MTG pond-dwellers are here to make your opponent croak.
Welcome Planeswalkers and Praetors to our ongoing series about the best casual experience in Magic: Commander.
Frogs are not the most threatening creatures in the world. Though they’ll eat just about anything they can get their mouth on, they aren’t big enough to pose a threat. If anything, the worst you’ll get from them is warts (if you believe old superstition).
In MTG, that is NOT the case. The Frogs and Toads are massive and could easily devour a knight and rider. Some are even legendary elemental threats, consuming everything in their path. Best to get these giant creatures on your side.
Grolnok, the Omnivore
Starting off in Innistrad, we have a massive Frog that ISN’T the Gitrog. You’ll be playing a lot of graveyard shenanigans with this guy since he makes all your Frogs self-mill. My advice would be to add in Jace or Thoracle and embrace having no library.
Tatsunari, Toad Rider
While not a Frog himself, Not-ruto here is an incredible Frog Commander, since he can make all your Frogs unblockable. Combine him with some Auras to buff up your hoppers and watch your opponents drop like flies.
Muldrotha, the Gravetide
Also not a Frog, but since so many Frogs love the graveyard, still a powerful Commander. With your access to Sultai mana and the ability to cast from your ‘yard, milling out your deck is no problem. In fact, you could even dig out your toughest hitters early with Reanimate or similar cards.
The Gitrog, Ravenous Ride
It wouldn’t be a Frog list without SOME mention of The Gitrog Monster, but this one is my favorite incarnation. If you’re playing Landfall, you can easily dig out a ton of lands and generate a wealth of triggers. Plus, you fill your hand with good stuff either way.
Yargle and Multani
No bells and whistles here, just a massive monster. Throw some trample on this guy and the game basically ends. Honestly, he’s even better in the 99 of a Tatsunari deck, since he can avoid blockers that way.
What do you think of these Commanders?
What is Commander?
For the uninitiated, Commander is a semi-casual format for Magic: the Gathering. You use a deck of 100 cards led by a legendary creature, your Commander.
Aside from basic lands, you are only allowed one copy of each card in the deck. Moreover, you can only include cards in your Commander’s “color identity” or artifacts. Each color and color combo has a unique playstyle and a wealth of mighty generals to lead your deck to victory. is an excellent source for Commander info and can give you ideas on how to build your next Commander deck or tune an existing one.