MTG: Tip the Scales – Top Snake Commanders

MTG isn’t all monsters and heroes. Sometimes, it’s just an angry reptile with enough venom to kill an elephant and a grudge.
Welcome Planeswalkers and Praetors to our ongoing series about the best casual experience in Magic: Commander.
Snakes have a bad reputation, mostly thanks to the way they move and their venom. While the serpents of MTG aren’t the same snakes, there are a few similarities. Venom, evasiveness, and small size work in their favor. However, the Orochi of Kamigawa and the monstrosities of Ikoria rise above their slithering origins, and can make some amazing EDH decks
Snakes usually float around the Golgari or Simic decks, though they’re almost ALWAYS at least partially Green. They are great at fighting bigger creatures, thanks to usually having deathtouch. If you want a Snake deck of your own, these five warriors are your best bet.
Kaseto, Orochi Archmage
Kaseto is the perfect snake Commander. Not only do they give you access to a lot of evasion tricks in Blue, they pack them in themselves. Kaseto can make any of your creatures unblockable, which is already an incredible ability. However, if that creature happens to be a Snake, it also gets a +2/+2 buff. Since several snakes have deathtouch, bringing along a Fynn the Fangbearer is an easy add.
Seshiro the Anointed
Seshiro is, unfortunately, from a time when creatures with multiple abilities cost a premium to cast. However, his ability makes him well worth the cost. Pack your deck full of beefy Snakes (or ways to make them) and prepare to outdraw the Blue Player.
Xyris, the Writhing Storm
Xyris is an interesting mix of Group Hug, Creature Spam, and Draw. Thanks to his Temur coloring, however, you can make it work for you. Just add some impact tremors for your Snakes, buffs for Xyris, and plenty of Counterspells, and you’ll be made in the shade. Plus, you can politic with your opponents as to who gets the cards.
Patron of the Orochi
This card is absolutely insane and probably the best of the “Patron” cycle. Not only is it a 7/7 that you can play at instant speed for the low cost of a Snake, but it also lets you untap your entire board to cast more things. I think it goes without saying that Finale of Devastation is the play here.
Hapatra, Vizier of Poisons
Before we had ACTUAL Cleopatra, we had her Amonkhet version. Hapatra is incredible, weakening your enemies and making Snakes for you. Like they did in Dune, the slow blade pierces the shield. With Hapatra, you just need to let the poison to the work.
What do you think of these Commanders?
What is Commander?
For the uninitiated, Commander is a semi-casual format for Magic: the Gathering. You use a deck of 100 cards led by a legendary creature, your Commander.
Aside from basic lands, you are only allowed one copy of each card in the deck. Moreover, you can only include cards in your Commander’s “color identity” or artifacts. Each color and color combo has a unique playstyle and a wealth of mighty generals to lead your deck to victory. is an excellent source for Commander info and can give you ideas on how to build your next Commander deck or tune an existing one.