Necromunda: Hive Secundus ‘Ruined Zone Mortalis’ Terrain Is Exactly What It Should Be

They call it the Underhells for a reason. Get the Necromunda Terrain You need for that “ruined” look the hive has always needed.
I know its dubbed the “Ruined Zone Mortalis” Terrain set but Games Workshop really should have stuck with calling the Underhells Terrain set. This new terrain set is gnarled and melted and ruined in all the ways you’d expect it to be — and then some.
“Parts of the hive survived too, but not in a factory-fresh condition. Which means for your upcoming games in the ruins of Secundus, the current Zone Mortalis terrain just won’t cut it with its clean lines and largely intact apparatus. To create the full atmosphere, you’re going to need the new Ruined Zone Mortalis.”
Ruined Zone Mortalis – The Underhells Terrain
Warped and twisted after a gravity-bombing run caused Hive Secundus to collapse in on itself the ruins are exactly that: ruined. The bombing was done to stop a growing Genestealer Cult. Unfortunately, Hive Secundus was built tough and parts of it survived its destruction. But that just opened the floodgates for some amazing terrain options to play with.
“This cunning terrain set is fully compatible with the existing Zone Mortalis terrain, but crucially adds elements of destruction and decay. There are buckled and ruined columns, damaged and holed walls, smashed platforms, broken doors, and other busted accessories. Most excitingly, there are sections of pipe walls – gangers can see through these but not cross them, adding a new dimension to combat in the darkness.”
Yep. That’s right: all of this gnarled up mess of ruins is compatible with the existing Zone Mortalis terrain. I personally cannot wait to see what folks do with this stuff! I really want to get my hobby hands on this one and see what sorts of stuff I can mix-and-match with it. We’ve seen how clever the terrain designers have been in the past with the Necromunda terrain kits. I hope we get some more inspirations shots of what they’ve cooked up.
There’s also more thematic pieces to center your gang wars around. Like this weird Data Stack Cluster piece:
I like the look of this and could see it being used for more than just Necromunda games. It could be a fun objective to duke it out over. Or just a really cool looking terrain piece to add in to your collection.
Personally, I was already excited about Hive Secundus opening up and the new box coming out. But now? This is just all good news to me! I want to assemble this stuff and play around with building boards for Necromunda. Between all the previous Necromunda terrain kits (Necromunda, Ash Wastes, Zone Mortalis, etc) and the vehicles we’ve gotten, it’s been an amazing time to mess around in the hobby.
I can’t wait to get my hands on this lot and the new terrain!
What do you think of the Underhells terrain?