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Roll20 Reveals New 5.5E D&D Sheet Plans – Alpha Starting Today

3 Minute Read
Jun 18 2024

Ahead of the release of 5.5E D&D, Roll20 has unveiled a new D&D Character sheet, in Alpha as of today.

D&D’s new evolution is getting close to hand. With WotC unveiling “everything you need to know about D&D 2024” (which is actually 2024-2025), the gates have kicked open for the 5.5E previews. Even Roll20 is getting in on the preview day game.

Today, Roll20 revealed a new D&D Character sheet in development. It will be ready just in time for the 5.5E core rulebooks, which will be released in September with the Player’s Handbook.

But you can actually start exploring the new character sheet today. Though you won’t be able to use the new rules yet, for that, you’ll have to wait. Even so, there are some exciting new features. Let’s take a look!

Roll20 Reveals New D&D Character Sheet – In Alpha Today

From Roll20’s blog post about the new sheet, we learn that there are several new features planned:

We’ve introduced key features including mobile and tablet support, simplified browsing by chapter, improved searches, and a collapsable table of contents that stays with you as you read. We’ll have more to share over the summer!

First and foremost, as you can see, the new character sheet and builder are firmly rooted in mobile device browsing. These days, we know that a computer isn’t for “looking at the internet” – a computer is for “watching TV”; a phone is for “looking at the internet” usually while “watch TV” is happening in the background. And Roll20 has you covered.

Now, with responsive sizing, you can jump from your cell phone or tablet, or even your laptop, while you’re finally getting into Breaking Bad. Turns out? Pretty good show. Who would have thought the dad from Malcolm in the Middle could be so mean?

via Fox

He is the one who knocks… after he fixes that lightbulb.

At any rate, Roll20’s new character sheet will also have more automation and customization. That means collapsible panels that you can expand out to see rules compendium info. You’ll be able to calculate your attacks by putting in all the right numbers. If you get a spell that gives you resistance or immunity or whatever, you’ll be able to activate that on your sheet.


All the information is right at your fingertips. And you’ll be able to play with your own custom character, or you can use one of the pre-generated Roll20 team characters, which includes the legendary Hjonk, a Barbarian who can go up to level 20 and is every bit as Goose as they come.

And as you can see there’s an option at the bottom to make your own character. But this is just the alpha version. The beta release for the character sheet is slated for July, followed with the launch of the 5.5E rules on September 17th. In the meantime, if you want a look at what the character sheet design will feel like? Be sure and check out the alpha on Roll20.

Author: J.R. Zambrano
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