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Tomorrow is Free RPG Day – Here’s what to Look For

2 Minute Read
Jun 21 2024

It’s here, it’s here! Free RPG Day is tomorrow! And here’s all the things you can find as part of it.

Free RPG Day is a glorious celebration of tabletop roleplaying games. And the places that sell them. Because without your Friendly Local Game Store, you’d be at the mercy of Amazon and its curious penchant for bear macing their employees. But your FLGS is more than just a place to buy the games you long to play.

They’re a hub. A place to play. To meet other folks who want to get in on a game. Or at least to be entranced by all the dice that keep calling out your name, if only you’d free them from their rectangular plastic prison.

Which is where Free RPG Day comes in. Free RPG Day is a great reason to head out to your FLGS for some free swag. Get cool exclusive adventures, dice, minis, and more. Here’s a taste of what you can find tomorrow.

Free RPG Day is June 22, 2024

This year there’s going to be a ton for you to find, whatever system you’re playing in. D&D 5E, of course, rounds out the list with a gaggle of goodies from third-party D&D publishers to official Icons of the Realm minis. But there’s plenty from non-D&D publishers as well. You’ll find Avatar Legends, Runescape Kingdoms, Pathfinder, Shadow Scar, and more. Here’s a taste of what to expect.

  • Humblewood: Shock in Stormcrag from Hit Point Press. This is a 6th level adventure for your favorite bird people. If you haven’t tried Humblewood, it’s new to D&D Beyond and you should try it!
  • Shards of the Spellforge, from Kobold Press, is another free adventure for 5E and Kobold’s new Tales of the Valiant fantasy D&D-alike RPG. Grab one adventure and try out both rulesets.
  • Shadow Scar: Eyes in the Darkness is R. Talsorian games’ free introduction to the upcoming Shadow Scar RPG that blends dimension hopping adventure with ninja school.
  • Pathfinder: The Great Toy Heist casts you as sentient toys whose lovely home has been seized by a greedy, corrupt banker, and now you’re going to break in to his house and steal the deed back.
  • Icons of the Realm Topaz and Amethyst Dragon Wyrmlings, as well as Strahd himself are all available from WizKids

And that’s just a taste of the many-splendored offerings in this year’s free RPG day. How do you find out what’s near you? Click the button below!

Author: J.R. Zambrano
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