Warhammer 40K: 5 Best Discount Stratagem Characters

Looking to stretch your Command Points a little further in your Warhammer 40,000 games? Then these characters just might help you out.
Goatboy here and with the new shift in rules we have a big change in how Stratagems and characters that change costs to those Stratagems work. Overall I think the change is a good one as making stratagems free can be powerful. The caveat of not being able to double up on them helps keep things in check. Essentially, what it does is give you a free “CP” to use on an ability and I think that is a good thing. It keeps those characters useful, lets you have a little bit more play during game turns, and just feels like a balanced rule.
Today I want to go over the top 5 characters that can discount your stratagems. It seems most armies have these options and there are obviously some super stars in the big pile of them. Let’s sit down, pull out the App, and find the top 5 you will be seeing in the upcoming Pariah Nexus tournaments.
5. Space Marine Captains of all types with Rites of Battle
Look we got the original free Stratagem player and one of the models will see in most games. In fact it is something will see show up a lot especially with the new changes and getting to do it for free. There are a lot of fun 1 CP strats that can activate beyond just using Armor of Contempt and all their versions.
4. Grey Knight Grand Master with Master Strategist
These guys started showing up from time to time to help lead a big ole pile of terminators. I can expect them to show up some again. Just being able to have a “free” cp to use on an ability seems good. Especially with a brick of terminators to hang out with.
3. Hive Tyrant with Will of the Hive Mind
This one seems really powerful as it allows to target things within 12” of the Hive Tyrant with a discounted stratagem. It is one of the more powerful ones as you don’t have to limit it to itself or a unit it has joined with. It is just a powerful ability and being able to spread it around in a bubble is amazing.
2. Overlord with My Will Be Done
This is another one that you probably don’t see as much as the current Necron builds are set up differently. Will see if in the new season if we see more Battleline options and this guy showing up to lead Immortals around on a mindless leash. Still it is a powerful option in a powerful codex.
1. Chaos Lord with Lord of Chaos
Here is a unit that shows up in most Chaos Space Marine lists. Did you need to save your CP for a Stratagem but still needed that Advance and Charge ability? Or how about the Unfailingly Obdurate? Did you need the Profane Zeal to go off or just the ability to heroically intervene? There are lots of things you can do with this guy especially since most of the stratagems are designed to be free it seems with only costing 1 CP.
I know some of the new books have some free Strat abilities too and we should all prepare for them. You can’t just guarantee that a unit can’t do something when they are sitting on no CP or 1 CP. It’s a whole new day for armies that can basically always play with one “extra” CP per turn.
There’s more but what are your favorite “Discount” Stratagem Characters?