Warhammer 40K: Is Combat Patrol Adepta Sororitas Worth Your Faith Points?

And by Faith Points I mean dollars. What sort of deal is the “new” combat patrol especially after the price hikes for the Sisters of Battle?
The Sisters are up for pre-order still and are hitting shelves soon. So I figured now is the perfect time to take a closer look at their Combat Patrol box to see what’s inside and if it’s still a good deal or not. Now, don’t get this box confused with the Battleforce box that’s sold out online. That was clearly a steal of deal which is why it’s already gone (but oddly still up for pre-order). No, I’m focusing on this boxed set:
Adepta Sororitas Combat Patrol Pricing Breakdown
1x Canoness – $42
5x Celestian Sacresants — $62.50
10x Battle Sisters, with 1x Incensor Cherub – $62.50
10x Arco-Flagellants – $60
2x Adepta Sororitas Transfer Sheets, each containing 290 transfers – $???
Total Individual MSRP: $227
Total Savings: $59
Now, that’s not counting the transfer sheets. Those aren’t “free” but even if we were on generous side they’d probably be in the 10$-15$ price range. But ignoring those sheets for now that’s still a savings of $59 over individual retail prices. So while it is a deal those price hikes aren’t doing the consumers any favors.
So is this even a good box to pick-up for the aspiring Sisters of Battle fan? Well, that’s a little easier to get into. I think if you’re looking to dabble then Combat Patrol games offer an easy on ramp for everyone. Honestly, this is a well rounded force for Combat Patrol. You’ve got your basic Sisters there to hold the line and lay down some fire while your Arco-Flagellants move up and threaten some melee damage. And you’ve also got those Celestain Sacresants for melee and staying power — all led by a Canoness.
Yeah, I think it’s a good start and a fine option for Combat Patrol. I don’t know if it’s good enough to really double down and buy two boxes of this however. There is a case to be made that more of the fundamental units isn’t a bad thing. Especially with those cheat dice you get. This army isn’t my personal cup of tea from a mechanics perspective. I don’t like their Miracle Dice and feel like 40k has far too many re-rolls and way to manipulate dice already. But that’s just my opinion.
If I were going to expand from this box I’d first start with figuring out what type of Sisters army I want to play. This box gives you the ability to shift towards the things you like and go with more of that. Do you like Arco-Flagellants? Get more of those. Do you want to rock Bolters/Flamers/Melta? You know what to do (buy more Battle Sisters Squads). Whatever direction you want to go there’s a Detachment for you. So start here, pick a Detachment, and buy into those units to add. It’s that simple.
What do you think of this Sisters new Combat Patrol?