Warhammer 40K – The Best Units For Scoring Action Points

These are 40K 10th Edition’s top 5 units for scoring those Action points from the new Pariah Nexus Mission Deck.
Goatboy here and the new missions really push the need to have Action bros who can help you score points. In fact, it is probably something all players need to look at when building lists and making sure they have the tools to win and score in the game. Today I want to talk about the top 5 scoring options we have in some of the armies out there. Let’s dive in!
I know I have talked about it before but this new upcoming 40K mission changes really pushes an MSU agenda for anyone’s army. You need a lot of tools to get the job done. Now without the ability to advance and action we are looking at just having as many fast options as we can. This leads me to think about what I would bring in some of the armies and ways to ensure we don’t waste an effective damage dealer to click a button in a specific area of the battlefield.
Thankfully most armies have something that can do this, and I feel, as players, we should look at our lists and make sure to add a few things. These units need to have an OC 1+, Decent movement to get around, and hopefully a bit tougher than normal to remove for their point cost. Let’s see how many we find to score those Actions.
5. Thousand Sons – Tzaangor Enlightened – 45pts for 3
This is one of the cheapest little jump units in the game. They come stock with 2 Wounds, Toughness 4, Movement of 10”, and even have a movement trick if someone comes too close to you. Really this is a perfect little action unit that can scoot around the edges, perform some actions for you. If they die, it isn’t a big deal to your game plan. A great little unit for Thousand Sons players to start adding to their armies.
4. All the Chaos Armies – Chaos Rhino – 75pts
This is going to be one of the best things for Actions in all the Chaos Codexes. It has a lot of Wounds, a decent amount of Toughness, and moves fast enough to go get the job done. On top of that, they have a whole bunch of jerks inside to help do stuff, do more actions, or just kill things as needed. Let me tell you that all Chaos-based armies are going to be packing two to three Rhinos most of the time if they can.
3. Orks – Trukk – 65pts
Hey remember what I said about Rhinos? Well it is the same thing with Ork Trukks. These guys will do tons of actions in the game as well as bring in a ton of deadly little Bully Boyz into your face. Trukks are here to stay and will show up in any Ork army you play against as just a method transport, actions, and objective control.
2. League of Votann – Sagitaur – 115pts
This is one of the more expensive Action bros, but it is sure a good one. It moves pretty fast, can hold a bunch of offensive jerks in it, has a decent OC value of 3, and sits happy at Toughness 10. This is a good little transport that helps solve problems for the Leagues of Votann and gives them the option to score objectives without sacrificing damage output.
1. Callidus Assassin – 100pts
The Queen of Actions – the Callidus Assassin has movement tricks, hard-to-hit tricks, and even a rule that isn’t turned off when they action. This is probably one of the units you’ll see in most Imperial Armies and I expect it to stay in armies as you look for options to get a unit somewhere fast and doing something you need to do to score. Not being able to advance and action means movement tricks are key and this small little model can easily hide and do what needs to be done to score.
Action Units Honorable Mentions
I am sure there are other nice units to use for actions. I like the Chaos Space Marine Bikers as they are cheap with a ton of wounds and hope we see Biker like stuff show up for World Eaters in the future.
What other Action scoring units do you love to help do things for your army?