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Warhammer Next Week: AoS Core Rules and General’s Handbook

2 Minute Read
Jun 30 2024

The Pre-Order for Skaventide is well underway, but next week is all about the new books.

While the Skaventide rolls out across the Mortal Realms, threatening to crush all under the weight of Warp-fueled vermin, Age of Sigmar rolls into the next edition. Pre-orders have already opened for the big boxed set, but if you’ve been waiting on just the books you might want, next week’s preorders are for you!

The new core rulebook, plus The General’s Handbook will await you. And if you’ve been curious about the new Spearhead game mode, you’ll find a new set for that as well. There’s a lot to dig into, so let’s take a look!

Age of Sigmar – New Core Rulebook, General’s Handbook, and Spearhead Set

First things first, the new core rulebook. This has not only all the rules you’ll need to play, but it also contains updated lore, a new cosmological map, and more:

It contains an awe-inspiring gatefold cosmology of the eight realms, many pages of gorgeous art and miniatures photography and summaries of every faction. The Core Book also includes the Core Rules, the Advanced Rules, Battlepack: First Blood for Matched Play, complete with three battleplans, and the narrative Battlepack: Ascension for Path to Glory. This includes four upgrade paths for your heroes, two for your units, and six battleplans.

It’s the book for the new edition. If you want it, you can grab it all by itself, without having to worry about adding 50 new Skaven to your pile of shame.

More importantly, you’ll also want the latest General’s Handbook. It has all the Matched Play rules you’ll need to play competitively. Whether that’s in a tournament, or just down at your FLGS where you crush any who dare show their face.

Finally, there’s the new Spearhead game mode, which gets its very own kit:

Spearhead is the new game mode for Warhammer Age of Sigmar, bringing lightning-fast games rich in tactical depth. This neat box contains everything you need to start playing games of Spearhead with your own collections. You get a sprue with four pieces of terrain and snap-together 3” and 6” range rulers, a double-sided game board with printed objectives covering Aqshy on one side and Ghyran on the other, as well as a Twist Deck for each side, and two identical Battle Tactic decks for each player.

All this, next week!


Author: J.R. Zambrano
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