5E Compatible RPG Roundup: ‘Relics and Realms,’ ‘Machines and Magic,’ and More

This week’s 5e compatible RPGs has adventures including ‘Once We Were Gods,’ ‘The Wych Elm,’ ‘Crypts of Isneia’ and more.
It’s time to roll the dice on new releases! Come check out this week’s batch of brand-new 5E compatible tabletop role-playing games.
Relics and Realms: Eldoria

Eldoria is a realm steeped in ancient magic and untamed wilderness, where the natural world thrives in harmony with mystical forces. Encompassing vast forests, misty groves, and towering mountains, Eldoria is a land of breathtaking beauty and profound mystery.
The realm is home to an abundance of magical creatures, including treants, dryads, and feybeings, who dwell within the dense forests and hidden glades. These creatures are guardians of nature, fiercely protecting their domains from harm while offering wisdom and guidance to those who respect the balance of the natural world.
Eldoria is also known for its sacred sites and mystical landmarks, where ley lines converge and arcane energies flow freely. These sites hold great significance to the inhabitants of the realm, serving as places of worship, meditation, and communion with the spirits of the land.
Despite its serene beauty, Eldoria is not without its dangers. Dark forces lurk within the shadows, seeking to disrupt the delicate balance of nature and unleash chaos upon the realm. Adventurers brave the wilderness, facing treacherous terrain, malevolent creatures, and ancient curses as they seek to uncover the secrets hidden within Eldoria’s depths.
Crypts of Isenia

The Crypt Wakes… The city of Isenia had always had a troubled past when it comes to ghosts, spirits, spectres and undead of any kind. In the past few decades though, things seem to have quieted down. Instead of undead attacking the citizens, Isenia’s main problem is now goblin raids…
One month ago though, people began complaining about having headaches after visiting the central market. A week after that, people started speaking of some faded song playing in their minds while shopping.
Isenia’s authorities knew of a crypt underneath the market, and they immediately assumed this was the cause of their problems. However, with a goblin attack stretching their forces thin, they could not do much about the issue. With the complaints mounting though, the city guard decided to look for external help.
With the song in the market growing louder and louder, who’s to say what the crypts hold?
Once We Were Gods

Once We Were Gods is a 5th edition solo adventure.
In this one-player adventure for the 5th edition of the world’s most popular role-playing game, you will enter a swamp in search of artefacts related to a fallen deity.
This book includes everything you need to play a solo adventure over and over again without the need to purchase any other rulebooks.
Once We Were Gods can be played as a one-shot or integrated into an extensive solo campaign. GMs can also use it to practice their storytelling skills and even create a pantheon for their own worlds.
Machines and Magic

“Magic and Machines” expands on our Order of the Blank vs. Arcanuum conflict, and shows off more of those on the front-lines of both sides of the Mages’ War! With magical groves and fairy-like fey; mechanical mage catchers and mech suits; a cannon-fitted T-Rex and shadow-tainted monsters and more – there’s bound to be something for everyone (despite which side of the war you may have enlisted into…)
This special bundle is provided with 45+ pages of 5e content! Including:
4 brand new encounters of varying challenge ratings and settings -ready to drop right into your existing campaigns, or can just as easily be used as a springboard into a new adventure.
- 4 original monster statblocks
- 2 monster templates, to make for easy reskinning of existing monsters into new, thematic variants
- 7 VTT-ready monster tokens
- 1 new Order of the Blank focused Fighter subclass – the Arcanhile Knight
- 1 new player race – the Katya – fairy-like fey who have left behind the sanctuary of their magical groves to help join the side of the resistance along the Arcanuum
- 9 new items and 1 graft with printable item cards
- 4 new Spells and 4 anti-magic Warps, with printable spell cards
- 4 feats and 2 deficiencies
The Wych Elm

Solve the mystery of Bella and the Wych Elm.
You come to a crossroads and camp for the night were you find a tall Wych Elm whose knotted, tangled roots form a small cage under its trunk. A small human skull is wedged completely into the root system.
Bella in the Wych Elm
Who’s is it?
How did it get there?
A fairy ring comprised of large and spotted button-mushrooms surrounds the base of the Wych Elm: a place of fey power which can bring bad luck to anyone who enters the circle.
At midnight, the skull starts chanting its mysterious counting rhyme, giving hints to treasure and gold which continue to haunt your dreams for days.
Is this a fairy trapped under the Wych Elm?
Is there really a treasure waiting for anyone who dares solve the riddle?
Or is there something more sinister at work here?
Come join the search for Bella and the Wych Elm.
The Wych Elm is a one-shot adventure written for 5e, but includes stats for the Shadowdark game system. It is meant for a party of 4-6 characters from 3rd to 6th level. All the encounters can be scaled to fit parties of a variety of skills and abilities.
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