Age of Sigmar: Final Batch of Downloads – Armies of Renown & More

Games Workshop has released their final batch of Warhammer: Age of Sigmar launch downloads. Get the new app and more right now!
The new edition of Warhammer: Age of Sigmar is out after this past weekend. The Skaventide Launch box is in stores and it’s go time! Now, in order to help you get playing more games GW has also released the last batch of free downloads. So what else is out today?
“You now have absolutely everything you need to play the new edition of Warhammer Age of Sigmar. Sally forth and decide the fate of the eight realms. “
Regiments And Armies of Renown
First up we have the Regiments of Renown download. Most of these were existing Regiments of Renown from the previous edition that have been transported over and updated to work in the new edition.
After that, we also have the Armies of Renown. These are essentially the rules for bringing a limited unit set to the game but for a faction. However, they also will typically overwrite their armies normal faction pack rules and substitute their own.
The best way to think about this is that the Regiments of Renown are for including a specific set of units in an existing army and their special rules. Armies of Renown are essentially a new sub-faction for an existing army to build into with limited unit selection pool. It’s almost like adding in allies to an army vs playing a different sub-faction for the same army.
Warhammer Legends Compendium
After those two downloads there’s also the Warhammer Legends Compendium to snag today as well.
What is the Legends Compendium? Well, do you remember all those cuts to the Warhammer: Age of Sigmar range? This is the place for the units that didn’t get included into a Battletome and are essentially orphaned now. There’s a TON of units in here for things like Warcry Warbands, Underworlds Warbands, and even individual miniatures, too. Unfortunately for the miniatures and units included in this document that’s basically all the support they are getting for the new edition. This is essentially a retirement document for them.
Can you still use the units in the Legends Compendium? Well…they have rules. But it’s likely that moving forward most Tournaments won’t use them — but check with your Tournament Organizer for clarification. As far as friendly games I’d just talk to your opponent first.
Age of Sigmar Rosters
I don’t really think these require a whole lot of explanation here. You can download the official Army Roster and Path to Glory Roster here. They are good for helping you to create and track your lists.
New Warhammer: Age of Sigmar App
For the final download today there’s also the new/updated Warhammer: Age of Sigmar App. It’s available on the Google Play Store as well as the Apple App Store. And yes, this is a different download that the previous App.
“The app for the new edition of Warhammer Age of Sigmar is ready to download for free, right now. This handy tool is the perfect rules reference, and includes Storm Forge, a tool you can use to tinker with your army lists to your heart’s content.
The rules reference section of the app also covers everything you need to play: Core Rules, Advanced Rules, the free Faction Packs – including battle traits, battle formations, heroic traits, artefacts, spell, prayer and manifestation lores, warscrolls, and the General’s Handbook 2024-25. On top of that, you get each faction’s Spearhead rules, and the Spearhead Fire and Jade Battlepack.”
If you’re an AoS player you’re going to want to snag this and at least poke at it. For now, this should have the most complete collection of rules available for everyone. So use it while we’ve got access to the goods!
Well, that’s everything you need for the new edition. Get out there and go play!