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Age of Sigmar: How to Play Cities of Sigmar

5 Minute Read
Jul 1 2024

Today we take a look at the basics of how to play Cities of Sigmar in AoS. For the glory of the Lord of Hysh!

Sigmar’s mortal servants, the Cities of Sigmar represent settlements across the Realms where the races of Order work together to repel the tides of Death, Chaos, and Destruction. They are the most multifaceted army in the game, bringing together the strengths of all the different societies that make up the greater cities. Whatever you want to play, the Cities probably have a list for you, and they’re a surprisingly rewarding force.

Who are the Cities of Sigmar?

Bastions of Order across the Mortal Realms, the Cities of Sigmar are the product of Aelves, Dwarves, and Men working together to make a safe haven against the forces arrayed against them. They combine the ingenuity of the Duardin, the cunning of the Dark Aelves, with the natural order of Men. Each city has a focus, like the druidic Living City or the oil-bleached forges of Greywater Fastness, and they keep the spark of Order alight in a world choked by Chaos. The Dark Powers may own the Eightpoints, but the Cities of Sigmar ensure their reach moves no further.

Why Play Cities of Sigmar?

The Cities of Sigmar are the most varied army in the game, with multiple ways to play to suit almost any playstyle. If you like guns, there’s an army for that. Every unit is viable in every army, though some fit the balance better than others in each case. Whatever you build, you’ll find a richly rewarding army with easily customizable lore if you like Lorehammer. And hey, if it doesn’t work, try another city.


  • No army in the game has as many options as you (except maybe the Stormcast)
  • You still get to play a few older models (the Duardin and Aelves), while also adding some surprising support models


  • All that choice can make your army unfocused if you aren’t careful


The Cities of Sigmar


Battle Traits

  • Officar’s Orders– these powerful abilities are triggered off of friendly Heroes being near enough to friendly units in the appropriate phase.
  • Advance in Formation/Suppressing Fire/Strike them Down/ Hold the Line– Each of these powerful buffs can be used in a different phase. Some have enhanced abilities based on whether the target is Human, Aelf, or Duardin.

Battle Formations

  • Dawnbringer Crusade– plus 2″ movement in the first round.
  • Ironweld Guild Army– Add 3″ to the ranged of ranged weapons.
  • Fortress-City Defenders– start ‘Fortified’ and are -1 to wound in friendly territory in the first round.
  • Collegiate Arcane Expedition– Plus one casting.

Featured Heroic Trait

  • Master of Ballistics– when issuing All-out Attack in the Shooting phase, also gives +1 to Wound.

Featured Artefact

  • Sacred Tome– become a Priest.

Key Cities of Sigmar Units

Cities of Sigmar has the largest roster of almost any book in the game. Still, these are a few units you’ll always want to consider.

Freeguild Cavalier-Marshal

This mounted Marshall is the perfect compliment to a hefty block of Freeguild Cavaliers. Not only can he buff their charge, but once per battle he can also get Strike-First on the charge and pass it on to a nearby unit of Cavaliers!

Freeguild Steelhelms

The human rank and file- really the gruntiest models you can get besides Gore-gruntas.  The Battle Priest in the unit can consecrate objectives to make them emit Ward saves!


Ironweld Great Cannon

A powerful and deadly war machine, this monster is rightly feared by the enemies of Order. It is a cannon with a nice hefty shield in front. To get the most deadly shots with this weapon, you’ll either need to stay still to maintain a Fortified Position.

Freeguild Cavaliers

Fast and punchy cavalry, that really specialize on taking the charge. They have native 3+ armour and a good number of damage two attacks when they charge. Just don’t get bogged down or you’ll lose effectiveness fast.


Sample Cities of Sigmar Army

Faction: Cities of Sigmar
-Battle Formation: Fortress City Defenders

Tahlia Vedra
20 Freeguild Fusiliers
20 Freeguild Steelhelms
Freeguild Command Corps

Regiment 2
10 Freeguild Cavaliers
10 Freeguild Cavaliers
5 Freeguild Cavaliers


Cities of Sigmar Tips

It’s hard to give tips for Cities of Sigmar since there are SO many ways to play them, but just try to make sure you don’t get choice-blind. Decide what you want your army to do, then focus on that, and you’ll be fine.

~For the Glory of Sigmar!

Author: Allen Campbell
  • Age of Sigmar - How to Play Skaven