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Age of Sigmar: How to Play – Lumineth Realm-Lords

6 Minute Read
Jul 4 2024

Today we look at how to play the Lumineth Realm-Lords in Age of Sigmar. Stoic doesn’t mean boring. It’s fun!

Say what you want about Teclis, the aelf is a master of his craft. Not as physically capable as his twin Tyrion, the master mage turned his expertise to strategy and spellcraft. When the world broke, Teclis found himself reborn as a god of light and master of the Realm of Hysh. Of course, no god is complete without an army of enforcers, and Teclis has that in his warrior-scholar Lumineth Realm-Lords. Here’s a quick rundown on how to get the most out of these deadly warriors and what units to focus on to share the light with your unfortunate enemies.

Who Are The Lumineth?

Even as an omnipotent god of light and magic, Teclis can make mistakes. His first attempt to create a new race from the rescued Aelven souls resulted in the diminished Idoneth Deepkin. Looking at his creations with hatred, Teclis sought to destroy them, driving them deep below the waves. His second attempt was much more successful; a race of warriors able to pour their negative emotions into empowered crystals. The Lumineth Realm-Lords all devote themselves to a different style of combat. Some follow the way of stone, becoming implacable on the defense and wielding heavy stone hammers. Others favor the way of the wind, darting around the battlefield on the backs of lightning-fast steeds and firing arrows with deadly accuracy. Alongside these warriors stride living mountains or cyclones, elemental spirits bound to the Lumineth by ancient rites. Teclis is the greatest mind in all the Realms, and the Lumineth are truly his finest creations.

Why Play Lumineth Realm-Lords?

Aside from being deadly in every form of combat, the Lumineth can mold themselves to any style of play, making them one of the most flexible armies in the game. Regardless of how you want to play, Lumineth can do it.


Lumineth Strengths

  • Magical potency that no one but Seraphon and Tzeentch can hope to match
  • Solid shooting
  • Lumineth can easily shift between infantry, cavalry, shooting, or monsters.
  • One of the deadliest Special Characters in the entire range

Lumineth Weaknesses

  • While you are running premium warriors, you are also paying premium points
  • While your army CAN do anything, not specializing will bite you, and you risk overspecialization.


Signature Lumineth Realm-Lords Rules


Battle Traits

  • Lightning Reactions– when alternating picking units to Fight, pick two in a row each time.
  • Facet of War– you can effectively do one of these buffs each battle round. For the most part they are keyword locked and some are army wide (Shining Company/Power of Hysh/ Deep Thinkers/ Move Like the Wind/ Enduring as Rock).

Battle Formations

  • Vanari Battlehost– You can use the Power of Hysh Facet of War in addition to another.
  • Scinari Council– You can use the Deep Thinkers Facet of War in addition to another.
  • Alarith Temple– You can use the Enduring as Rock Facet of War in addition to another.
  • Hurakan Temple– You can use the Move Like the Wind Facet of War in addition to another.

Heroic Traits

  • Masterful Tactician– 12″ aura of minimum 4″ Redeploy
  • Perfect Strike– once per battle deal D3+3 mortal wounds as a Core Fight ability.
  • Paragon of Hysh– Once per battle re-roll a cast or Charge.


  • Phoenix Stone– a chance at surviving with one wound when you’d otherwise be destroyed.
  • Silver Wand– Makes the bearer a Wizard. If they already are, gain a power level.
  • Waystone– Once per battle teleport.


Lumineth Key Units

Every Lumineth player will have a slightly different playstyle, but these are some units that really stand out.

Archmage Teclis

Teclis is the preeminent wizard and magic user in the game, bar none. Able to auto cast at a ’10’ with his four Wizard levels, Teclis is more likely to run out of good spell choices than casts! Make sure you pick your Manifestation Lore well!


Light of Eltharion

An animated suit of armor wielding a deadly pair of blades, the Light is a steady and reliable source of damage. Eltharion is also quite durable, boasting an unmodifiable 3+ save and a 5+ ward save.

Scinari Cathallar

The sad lady mage of the Lumineth. She can both reduce an enemy units control score and make her own units immune to such machinations.

Vanari Auralan Sentinels

A nice little ranged unit. With Crit(Auto-wound) and two attacks per model, Sentinels will put consistent, if not iverwhelming, damage downfield. What’s not to love?

Hurakan Spirit of the Wind


An incredible archer and the fastest model in the entire game, the Spirit is still one of the best harassment pieces in AoS. It can shoot in combat and buffs nearby Hurakan units.

Alarith Stoneguard

If the Hurakan are the last name in speed, the Alarith are the final word in endurance. With a 4+ save and two wounds, they’re the most durable infantry in the book, and their hammers can dish out a sizeable bit of damage. Keep them on an objective for even more durability in the form of a Ward save.

Hurakan Windchargers

One of the faster units in the game, thanks to their treerunner mount, Windchargers are the rare cavalry-shooting unit. They can get into some extreme shenanigans with the Move Like the Wind Facet of War,  and Windcharger Arrows abilities.

Alarith Spirit of the Mountain

Dealing out five-damage, with four attacks means this ground beef turns things into ground beef. If you always want that number of attacks, just keep them within twelve of a Stonemage, and you’ll be there thanks to Stonemage Symbiosis!


Ydrilan Riverblades

The River Temple provides an incredibly mobile harassment and utility unit in the form of the Riverblades. They are able to teleport for free every turn with Travel the Waterways and make sure they only ever have the most favorable combats with Relentless as the Driving Current.

Vanari Dawnriders

A truly excellent cavalry unit. Dawnriders hit like an absolute ton of bricks on the charge.

Sample  Lumineth Army

Faction: Lumineth Realm-lords
– Battle Formation: Alarith Temple

Regiment 1
Avalenor, the Stoneheart King
10 x Alarith Stoneguard
10 x Alarith Stoneguard
Alarith Spirit of the Mountain
Alarith Spirit of the Mountain


Regiment 2
20 Wardens

Lumineth Realm-Lords Tips

Build your favorite style of army and show your opponent why you’re the best. Utilize your double attacks from Lightning Reactions each combat to your advantage and pile on the damage. Don’t be afraid to kite your opponent around if you get pushed back.

~Perfection demands discipline.

Author: Allen Campbell
  • Age of Sigmar: How to Play Idoneth Deepkin