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Age of Sigmar: ‘Spires of the Gnaw’ Diorama Revealed At Warhammer World

3 Minute Read
Jul 26 2024

To commemorate the new edition and the rising Skaventide the Warhammer World Exhibition Team have created Spires of the Gnaw!

If you’re a fan of all things Warhammer and you’ve never been to Warhammer World you really need to go. I’ve been and it was an amazing experience. My mind was blown by all the amazing exhibits, dioramas, showcases, and rich Warhammer History that was there. It was an inspirational trip and really made me want to get back and start working on my next hobby project. If you’ve ever seen the exhibit for The Battle of Angelus Prime then you know what I’m talking about.

The photos don’t do it justice…

Anyhow, the Warhammer World Exhibition Team has done it again. And this time they have brought the current events of Warhammer: Age of Sigmar to life. And by “life” I mean to diorama form in miniature scale! Check out Spires of the Gnaw.


via Warhammer Community

“In the fiery realm of Aqshy, the Skaven have struck. Their nefarious schemes have corrupted a continental expanse into the evil-choked Gnaw. Here, atop rickety spires, stand the Warpshatter Bells – their screams driving the ratmen into a murderous frenzy.

Few can survive in the Gnaw. Amongst these are the Ruination Chambers; warriors of Sigmar’s Stormhosts, their souls irreparably damaged but able to withstand ruin’s touch. These merciless hosts march against the great cathedral of doom known as Hexeneste, where the Skaven swarms mass…”


Spires of the Gnaw

Again, I don’t know if the photos do this one justice either. While this picture can communitcate very quickly what’s going on it kind of glosses over the details. The initial reaction might be “oh wow, there’s a line of gold standing at the gate of this Skaven city wall.” But it’s when you really get closer and see the things up close that it starts to really click.

For example, did you notice Ionus Cryptborn towards the top of this wall of Skaven? What about the Screaming Bell? And how about all the ramshackle walls that have been constructed?


And then we get up close and see the dozens and dozens of Stormcast Eternals. They are this (relatively) thin line of gold at the base of the diorama. And their numbers are about to be swarmed. There’s something to be said about the sheer number of miniature on this diorama. There are “just under 800 clan rats on this board.” That’s according to the video — I didn’t count them all! Regardless, it’s an impressive feat.

If you think this is impressive (and it is) this is just one of dozens of exhibits at Warhammer World. Think about that for a second. And while not all of the exhibits have this number of miniatures, there’s PLENTY of them that come close or even surpass this one. I really can’t stress this enough: if you’re a Warhammer Fan you need to go there at least once. It was a trip that I’ll never forget and now I want to go back and see what new stuff they’ve added since the last time.


Sound off in the comments if you’ve been to Warhammer World — what was your favorite exhibit?

Author: Adam Harrison
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