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Age of Sigmar: The Battle For Hel Crown – Chaos Domination Appears Inevitable

4 Minute Read
Jul 31 2024

Time is running short for the Stormcast Eternals and the Forces of Order as Chaos has reasserted dominance over Hel Crown.

When the Battle for Hel Crown kicked off the Skaven and Chaos pulled ahead and had quite a lead. Week two was looking the same until the Forces of Order managed to close the gap and actually pull ahead. They had a razor thin margin going into the weekend but then something happened. That something was a massive Chaos rally that has really flipped the tables. It’s really not looking promising for Hel Crown…

via Hel Crown Website

Inside the City Update

Stormcast Eternals vs Skaven

Hel Crown Update 7-31-2024

Inside the city the Skaven are still holding a massive lead. I’ve been checking the numbers all week and while it has fluctuated the Skaven haven’t ever actually been in any real danger of losing this lead. Strangely enough this is the same spread we saw last week after Order pulled ahead outside the city.

And looking at out check-ins from the last two weeks you can see that the Stormcast haven’t been able to shift this more than a few points the entire campaign.


Previous Weeks

Week 1 Update

Week 2 Update


Outside the City Update

Forces of Order vs Forces of Chaos

The Forces of Chaos have really turned this one around. This battle was looking like it might be contested at the start of the week. Order had super thin margin on Monday — it was 51% vs 49%. And then The Forces of Chaos apparently found the gas pedal and STOMPED on it. They flipped it to a massive 40% lead. This is the largest spread we’ve seen the entire campaign!

Previous Weeks

Week 1 Update

At the start of the Campaign, they were down by almost 21%. At the start of this week, Order managed to claw all the way back to a very slim Chaos lead of only 3.4%.


Week 2 Update

Considering how close this was before and now seeing the massive gap things are not looking good for Order or the Stormcast Eternals in the Battle for Hel Crown.

Time To Call This One Over?

The final date is August 5, 2024. That’s just over 5 days left in the campaign. Essentially this weekend is going to cement the outcome one way or another. Based on how this battle has been tracking so far Chaos has dominated the fight.

I’m hesitant to call this one completely done as I’ve been surprised before. Unfortunately we don’t have any hard numbers to assess and can only go off the percentages GW has been sharing. In order to submit your battle you do have to use the code found in the launch box so battles can’t just be fabricated. Because of that, I’m wondering how many battles in total have been reported so far vs how many boxes are still out there without redeemed codes.

I seriously doubt that the outstanding codes can close the gap right now. It’s going to take an organized effort to do that. So what’s going to happen? Has Chaos put the final nail in the defenders coffin? Have the Stormcast Players been holding their codes until the end?  Whatever happens the winner will get to see the rest of their reveals first.


I wonder if these results will have any wider assertions that could be drawn about Stormcast or Order in general…

Author: Adam Harrison
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