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Age of Sigmar: The Battle For Hel Crown – Order Pulls Ahead

3 Minute Read
Jul 25 2024

A quick update from Hel Crown: The Forces of Order have taken the lead outside of the city. Can they secure a win in this global campaign?

The Battle for Hel Crown continues to rage as this Global Campaign has entered the second week of games. We already did an update earlier this week on the status but something major has happened: The Forces of Order have pulled ahead for the first time on the outside of the city.

via Hel Crown

Hel Crown Update: July 25, 2024

As of posting, the Forces of Order have a very slim lead of 51.2% to 48.8%. While that’s not a huge lead Order has overcome quite the deficient since the campaign started.

Week 1 Update


At the start of the Campaign, they were down by almost 21%. At the start of this week, Order managed to claw all the way back to a very slim Chaos lead of only 3.4%.

Week 2 Update

As of now, Order has a lead of 2.4%. That might not seem like much but this trend should worry Chaos. At least on the outside of the city. This is a good sign for Order and a wake-up call for Chaos.

However, inside the City, the Stormcast Eternals are still getting walloped by Skaven.


The Skaven have maintained a strong lead this entire time. The Stormcast Eternals haven’t been able to shift more than a point or two over the course of the campaign.

Week 1 Update

Week 2 Update


It’s Not Over Until It’s Over

This Global Campaign still has a long way to go. We’re only 10 days in and the final date is August 5, 2024. A lot can happen in the meantime. Again, the winning side does actually get something:

At this rate it looks like the Skaven are going to be first up to get their releases revealed. I do wonder how this is going to be determined. What if the Skaven take the city and the outside is held by the Forces of Order? Will there be a split? Or perhaps we’ll get both reveals at once? Probably not…but I’m sure GW has a plan.

Either way both sides need to focus up and get those game reports in. The Skaventide is rising and we might be seeing what else they have in store first!


What DOES happen in case of a split?


Author: Adam Harrison
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