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Age of Sigmar: The Battle For Hel Crown – Week Two Still Has Skaven Out Ahead

3 Minute Read
Jul 23 2024

The Battle for Hel Crown continues. The Skaven are still holding a big lead but outside the city things are looking different.

We are checking back in with the global campaign happening right now with the Battle for Hel Crown. Last week we saw the Skaven and Chaos forces jump out to a staggering lead. But that was just after the first weekend and the initial box launch. Today we’re diving back in the trenches to see where the fighting has taken us. More and more results are pouring in across the world and there’s still plenty of time for things to shift.

via Games Workshop

“Will Hel Crown stand tall or fall to ruin? Its fate is in your hands! Use the contents of the Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Skaventide boxed set to play a game and log the results to contribute. However the battle goes, the result will be immortalised forever in Warhammer Age of Sigmar lore! Come back to this page once the campaign is live on Monday the 15th of July 2024, and play your part in deciding the fate of this beleaguered outpost.”

Hel Crown Update – July 23, 2024

As of writing the defenders in the city have managed to shift the score less than a percentage point from last week. It seems like the squeaky Skaven are dug in and ready to take more ground. If you’re a Stormcast Eternals player and you want to see your previews you better get out there and snag a win! There’s still time left but that’s quite the hill to climb.

Outside the city things are looking much more competitive. The Forces of Order have made a concerted push to really close the gap.


The margin of difference has dramatically changed. Last week the forces of Chaos were ahead 60.9%-39.1%. Now it’s just a 3.4% difference. This is the tug-of-war I think we were expecting to see. The Forces of Chaos have lost a lot of ground but they are still ahead. Can they hold out for long enough?

You can still jump in and make a difference. Submit your results on the Hel Crown website now. Can the Stormcast Eternals push back the Skaven? We’ll found out for sure by August 5th!


It’s not over yet. A lot can still happen in the Battle for Hel Crown.


Author: Adam Harrison
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