Age of Sigmar: The Products You Need For The New Edition

Games Workshop is launching a new edition of Warhammer: Age of Sigmar. So what do you actually need to play AoS 4.0?
With the next edition of Warhammer: Age of Sigmar just a few short weeks away I’ve been wondering what I’ll need to play my current armies in AoS 4.0. So let’s talk about what purchases you actually need to make vs the “nice to haves” to for the next edition.
The Skaventide launch box is just that — a launch box. It’s essentially two Spearhead armies in a single box with everything you need to jump into the new edition. It’s really geared for Spearhead games in particular. Personally, I would qualify this one as a “nice to have” only because I don’t play Stormcast or Skaven. I would like to have the models because they look cool but it’s the rest of the contents I’d be more interested in.
Core Book
Do you need a core book? Possibly! The Core Book contains all the core rules, advanced rules, and the first battlepack: First Blood for matched play. Additionally, it’s got all the lore/background you’ll need to understand the Mortal Realms. That said, I’d still qualify this one as a “nice to have” because I’ve still got my previous edition’s core book and I really just want the rules section. That said, I wouldn’t turn down a limited edition version cause it is REALLY pretty.
Warhammer Age of Sigmar: General’s Handbook 2024-25
Okay, this is one a must buy. If you’re going to play Matched play or any sort of tournament play for AoS, you’ll need this book. It’s good for the whole year plus it’s got the Core and Advanced rules and the season rules. There’s all the missions you’ll need to play Matched play games and updates for the next season. If you don’t have the Skaventide box already, get this book.
Spearhead: Fire and Jade Gaming Pack
The most important question about this box is this: Do you want to play Spearhead? If you said yes then this is a must buy. If not, then this is a “nice to have” because you can still dabble with Spearhead. Alternatively, if you’ve got a buddy that buys this one you’re good — it supports two players.
Warhammer Age of Sigmar Faction Packs
Do you need your respective faction packs? Here’s the thing:
“Free digital editions of these Faction Packs will be available to download for free soon, before the new edition appears in stores.”
Plus we already know the dates thanks to the scheduled digital download dates GW provided. So do you need to buy your faction pack? No you can get the digital versions from GW. Will I personally be buying my faction(s) pack? Yes.
Why? Because I like to have the physical copy for a few reasons. First, I don’t want to worry about my phone battery and I find it annoying when I have to pull it out while gaming to check on things. Second, I would rather hand the physical copy of a warscroll/rules/etc to my opponent instead of my phone if we’re gaming. Third, I like to play my tabletop games without the need of wifi…but again, these are just personal preferences. You do you.
But to me these are more than just “nice to haves.” I don’t want to download the digital versions and then print off physical media. I’m just going to eat the cost and buy the nice versions from GW.
Warhammer Age of Sigmar Grand Alliance Dice
Wait, you don’t already have a set of your grand alliance dice from GW?!?
At the end of the day, yes, most of the stuff you’ll need to play will be free downloads from GW. Again, we have the dates for that already.
But there are certainly some really “nice to haves” for the next edition and there’s a couple “must buys” for me in the list for sure. So you know what I’m looking for but what are you going to pick-up for the new edition?
Gimme that GHB and my Faction Packs, please!